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H1 Tags in all Caps

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Joined: 01 Jul 12

H1 Tags in all Caps

Hello - was wondering if anyone could help. My H1 tags are appearing in all caps. For instance my "About Us" page looks find from the 'pages' view on the left side of wordpress, however when I actually click on "view page" from the editor to view it normally it reads ABOUT US:....this goes for all posts and pages. Anyone know a fix?
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If you want to fix it everywhere at once, you must edit the Theme's CSS code. Otherwise you must add "inline" CSS code (in "HTML View" of the WordPress post/page editor) to each line of text having an "<h1> </h1> tag pair. So, best fix obviously is to edit the Theme CSS.

Go to [ > Plugins ] and download + install the Advanced Code Editor.
In the [ WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Edit ] edit the theme's CSS style sheet. Use the Advanced Code Editor's Search function to locate every instance of the H1 tag. Delete the line "text-transform: uppercase;" or "text-transform: capitalize;" from each instance that has it.

Be aware that there are some places in the theme where you might want H1 to be all caps - in which case you'll need to understand which H1 lines in the code affect which parts of the theme.

If you don't feel competent to do this, get someone else to do it it IS what's needed.

Hope this helps....
_jim coe
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I am cool with the editing and using the find feature of in chrome - the problem lies in the style.css sheet for the Affilotheme. This is all that exists in the style sheet.

Theme Name: AffiloTheme v4
Description: A simple affiliate site theme with a comprehensive options panel for customizing the look and feel of your site.
Author: Affilorama
Author URI:
Version: 4.0.1538

/* Theme Options */
@import url('includes/styles/styles.php');

I have looked in the theme.options sheets as well and none of the transformations for headlines or titles have anything but the typical blank space to indicate typical formatting. I just cannot figure out what I am missing.


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Ah, I forgot they call in child theme CSS sheet to allow updates without breaking people's already installed themes. I'm going to download my whole Affilotheme system into Adobe Dreamweaver and look at the CSS in their. Wont' be able to get to that until later.

Which theme are you using? My site has the "Supermassive" theme, like Mark's example.
  • 1
Last edited by jimcoe on 02 Jul 12 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 7
Joined: 01 Jul 12
Yes sir that is the theme I am using. Outside of the style sheet there is a theme-options.php where I found all of this - went through and anything that said transform I moved to none...

$config = array(
'style_body_font-family' => '', // body {font-family: ;}
'style_body_font-size' => '', // body {font-size: 0px;}
'style_body_font-color' => '', // body {color: ;}
'style_body_font-style' => '', // body {font-style: ;}
'style_body_font-weight' => '', // body {font-weight: ;}
'style_body_font-decoration' => '', // body {text-decoration: ;}
'style_body_font-transform' => '', // body {text-transform: none;}
'style_link-family' => '', // a, a:visited {font-family: ;}
'style_link-size' => '', // a, a:visited {font-size: 0px;}
'style_link-color' => '', // a, a:visited {color: ;}
'style_link-style' => '', // a, a:visited {font-style: ;}
'style_link-weight' => '', // a, a:visited {font-weight: ;}
'style_link-decoration' => '', // a, a:visited {text-decoration: ;}
'style_link-transform' => '', // a, a:visited {text-transform: none;}
'style_link_hover-family' => '', // a:hover, a:active {font-family: ;}
'style_link_hover-size' => '', // a:hover, a:active {font-size: 0px;}
'style_link_hover-color' => '', // a:hover, a:active {color: ;}
'style_link_hover-style' => '', // a:hover, a:active {font-style: ;}
'style_link_hover-weight' => '', // a:hover, a:active {font-weight: ;}
'style_link_hover-decoration' => '', // a:hover, a:active {text-decoration: ;}
'style_link_hover-transform' => '', // a:hover, a:active {text-transform: none;}
'style_headline_font-family' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {font-family: ;}
'style_headline_font-size' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_headline_font-color' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {color: ;}
'style_headline_font-style' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {font-style: ;}
'style_headline_font-weight' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {font-weight: ;}
'style_headline_font-decoration' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_headline_font-transform' => '', // #logo h1, #logo h1 a {text-transform: none;}
'style_tagline_font-family' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {font-family: ;}
'style_tagline_font-size' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {font-size: 0px;}
'style_tagline_font-color' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {color: ;}
'style_tagline_font-style' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {font-style: ;}
'style_tagline_font-weight' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {font-weight: ;}
'style_tagline_font-decoration' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {text-decoration: ;}
'style_tagline_font-transform' => '', // #logo h4#blog-description {text-transform: none;}
'style_post_title-family' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {font-family: ;}
'style_post_title-size' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_title-color' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {color: ;}
'style_post_title-style' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {font-style: ;}
'style_post_title-weight' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_title-decoration' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_title-transform' => '', // .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {text-transform: none;}
'style_post_content-family' => '', // .entry-content {font-family: ;}
'style_post_content-size' => '', // .entry-content {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_content-color' => '', // .entry-content {color: ;}
'style_post_content-style' => '', // .entry-content {font-style: ;}
'style_post_content-weight' => '', // .entry-content {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_content-decoration' => '', // .entry-content {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_content-transform' => '', // .entry-content {text-transform: none;}
'style_post_content_headings-family' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {font-family: ;}
'style_post_content_headings-size' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_content_headings-color' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {color: ;}
'style_post_content_headings-style' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {font-style: ;}
'style_post_content_headings-weight' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_content_headings-decoration' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_content_headings-transform' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h1 a, .entry-content h2 a, .entry-content h3 a {text-transform: none;}
'style_post_content_h1-family' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {font-family: ;}
'style_post_content_h1-size' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_content_h1-color' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {color: ;}
'style_post_content_h1-style' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {font-style: ;}
'style_post_content_h1-weight' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_content_h1-decoration' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_content_h1-transform' => '', // .entry-content h1, .entry-content h1 a {text-transform: none;}
'style_post_content_h2-family' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {font-family: ;}
'style_post_content_h2-size' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_content_h2-color' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {color: ;}
'style_post_content_h2-style' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {font-style: ;}
'style_post_content_h2-weight' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_content_h2-decoration' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_content_h2-transform' => '', // .entry-content h2, .entry-content h2 a {text-transform: none;}
'style_post_content_h3-family' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {font-family: ;}
'style_post_content_h3-size' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_content_h3-color' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {color: ;}
'style_post_content_h3-style' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {font-style: ;}
'style_post_content_h3-weight' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_content_h3-decoration' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_content_h3-transform' => '', // .entry-content h3, .entry-content h3 a {text-transform: none;}
'style_content_link-color' => '', //.entry-content a, .entry-content a:visited
'style_content_link-decoration' => 'underline', //.entry-content a, .entry-content a:visited
'style_content_link_hover-color' => '', //.entry-content a:hover, .entry-content a:active
'style_content_link_hover-decoration' => 'underline', //.entry-content a:hover, .entry-content a:active
'style_post_meta-family' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {font-family: ;}
'style_post_meta-size' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_post_meta-color' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {color: ;}
'style_post_meta-style' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {font-style: ;}
'style_post_meta-weight' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {font-weight: ;}
'style_post_meta-decoration' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_post_meta-transform' => '', // .entry-meta, .entry-meta a {text-transform: none;}
'style_navigation_text-family' => '', // .nav li a {font-family: ;}
'style_navigation_text-size' => '', // .nav li a {font-size: 0px;}
'style_navigation_text-color' => '', // .nav li a {color: ;}
'style_navigation_text-style' => '', // .nav li a {font-style: ;}
'style_navigation_text-weight' => '', // .nav li a {font-weight: ;}
'style_navigation_text-decoration' => '', // .nav li a {text-decoration: ;}
'style_navigation_text-transform' => '', // .nav li a {text-transform: none;}
'style_navigation_hover-family' => '', // .nav li a:hover {font-family: ;}
'style_navigation_hover-size' => '', // .nav li a:hover {font-size: 0px;}
'style_navigation_hover-color' => '', // .nav li a:hover {color: ;}
'style_navigation_hover-style' => '', // .nav li a:hover {font-style: ;}
'style_navigation_hover-weight' => '', // .nav li a:hover {font-weight: ;}
'style_navigation_hover-decoration' => '', // .nav li a:hover {text-decoration: ;}
'style_navigation_hover-transform' => '', // .nav li a:hover {text-transform: none;}
'style_widget_title-family' => '', // .widget-title {font-family: ;}
'style_widget_title-size' => '', // .widget-title {font-size: 0px;}
'style_widget_title-color' => '', // .widget-title {color: ;}
'style_widget_title-style' => '', // .widget-title {font-style: ;}
'style_widget_title-weight' => '', // .widget-title {font-weight: ;}
'style_widget_title-decoration' => '', // .widget-title {text-decoration: ;}
'style_widget_title-transform' => '', // .widget-title {text-transform: none;}
'style_widget_text-family' => '', // .widget ul li {font-family: ;}
'style_widget_text-size' => '', // .widget ul li {font-size: 0px;}
'style_widget_text-color' => '', // .widget ul li {color: ;}
'style_widget_text-style' => '', // .widget ul li {font-style: ;}
'style_widget_text-weight' => '', // .widget ul li {font-weight: ;}
'style_widget_text-decoration' => '', // .widget ul li {text-decoration: ;}
'style_widget_text-transform' => '', // .widget ul li {text-transform: none;}

On top of that the Supermassive theme has the theme-options.php of

Theme Name: AffiloTheme - SuperMassive
Description: A child theme for AffiloTheme v4.
Author: Affilorama
Author URI:
Template: affilotheme_2
Version: 4.0.1538

@import url("css/supermassive.css");

@import url("../affilotheme_2/style.css");
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Joined: 01 Jul 12
Also - I reloaded the entire theme and I am still having the same issue - I moved the FTP files in Filezilla when I did it and overwrote all of them....still didn't work.

Lastly I have another website that is under construction using the affilotheme, that one is having the same issue as well no matter what type of child theme I use so I assume it is somewhere in the parent coding but since I replaced all of the files I don't have a clue where it could have went wrong.
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Joined: 13 Feb 12
I'm not expert enough to second guess the developers, but it does seem odd to me that they are setting styles in the PHP, instead of in the style sheets(s). Wonder if the style sheets later supersede the PHP?

Maybe I'll learn more in Dreamweaver.

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Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12
I find "text-transform: uppercase;" in:

Line 3459: .featured-meta

..and two more instances farther down. Don't see any affecting H1 tags - and mine are not upper case.
Also, when I added code to style the H1 tags uppercase and red, it had no affect on the H1 lines in my blog, so the uppercase styling must indeed be elsewhere.

Some creative and interesting CSS code in there! A small example, I never thought to style the <strong> </strong> tags.

Hope this helps...
_jim coe
  • 1

This topic was started on Jul 01, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
