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Google site ownership verification!

Posts: 34
Joined: 27 Jun 07

Google site ownership verification!

Hi guys,

My site not yet been indexed by google , is it due to verfication process

We offer two methods of verification. You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify, or you can add a meta tag to your site's index file.

I opted for HTML Upload but then:

Verification status: NOT VERIFIED
Last attempt Jul 14, 2007: We've detected that your verification file returns a status of 404 (Not found) in the header

Any advice appreciated, happy sunday!
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Posts: 34
Joined: 27 Jun 07
Same thing happend in Yahoo site , authentication process :x

Offers 2 options HTML file & meta tag
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It's not due to verification process. Are you talking about google sitemaps?
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Posts: 34
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They just want it to be verified but always 404
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Posts: 34
Joined: 27 Jun 07
I'm so pissed off with hostgater , they said it not their problem
so much for support :twisted:
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Posts: 1085
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It isn't hostgator's problem. You need to create a blank page and name it whatever google tells you then upload that to your site.... or place a piece of code into a meta tag and reupload that page... if google can't find the page or meta tag they want.... it's going to show a 404.... it has nothing to do with Hostgator.... if you can't figure out how to upload however, then hostgator should help you.
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Posts: 34
Joined: 27 Jun 07
Yup done,, stupid me.. such easy step yet I complicated it

Thanks adrian :D
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