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Google +1 wiget problem

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Google +1 wiget problem

I use xsitepro and have a problem with the google +1 button

i have the button on my website but the button always align left
i have a social media table at the top of my pages but becouse of the google +1

i have tried having the buttons in a table and out of a table (align center) with the same affect the google button aligns left

i have currently have (in this order)
google +1 -facebook-twitter and thats how i have them to appear (all in a line)

however after i publish the google button aligns left and the other buttons are directly below it like the main panel ran out of room, but my main panel is 800mpx wide.

anyone run into this same problem??
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Hi nates450r,

Will it be possible for you to send us an exported copy of your site via email? To export your website, click on the "Export" button on the menu of XSitePro. This will let you save a copy of your site in .xse form.

You can send us the .xse file as an email attachment if the its size is less than 10 MB. Otherwise
(if larger than 10MB), you'll have to upload the .xse file through FTP using an FTP program and then
provide me an FTP access to your web hosting account so that I will be able to download the .xse
file from there.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!

Once I'm done checking/correcting the navigation bar, I will be sending you back the updated .xse
file. You would then import it on your end and replace the copy that you currently have on your
XSitePro program.
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here is a pic of how it looks right now they are not in a table- they are align left on each page (they are align left) becouse the G+1 will only align left -

here is a copy of my source code the G+1 code i got from xsitepros fourm becouse the one from google does not work.

<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><span style=
"FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><nodesigner><div id="googleplus">
<g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone>

<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

this is what it looks like in xsitepro design
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Site Admin
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Hi nates450r,

Can you please try this code instead and let us know if the buttons are still not aligned properly?

Paste the code above into the part where you want the buttons to appear while in "Source" tab. If the issue persists, please export your site from XSitePro and then send the .xse file to us so we can check it from our end.
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mikeantiga wrote:Hi nates450r,

Can you please try this code instead and let us know if the buttons are still not aligned properly?

Paste the code above into the part where you want the buttons to appear while in "Source" tab. If the issue persists, please export your site from XSitePro and then send the .xse file to us so we can check it from our end.

Hi, thanks for the code. i did try it it worked for the twitter and fb wigits but not the G+1 i read on the xsitepro fourm that the there is somthing regarding the G+1 code that the xsitepro platform does not like, alot of people have been asking for it to be fixed in the the next update of xsitepro.
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Hi nates450r,

Thanks for the update! :)

I'll go over this with our technical staff and let you know as soon as I have feedback.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with for the meantime. All the best!
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Cecille L wrote:Hi nates450r,

Thanks for the update! :)

I'll go over this with our technical staff and let you know as soon as I have feedback.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with for the meantime. All the best!

thanks for the help, i will just leave it the way it is untill it can be figured out.
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
HI nates450r,

We would need to have your XSite Pro file so we can troubleshoot this for you. You can send us the .xse file as an email attachment if the its size is less than 10 MB. Otherwise (if larger than 10MB), you'll have to upload the .xse file through FTP using an FTP program and then provide me an FTP access to your web hosting account so that I will be able to download the .xse file from there.

Hope to hear from you soon.
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This topic was started on Feb 15, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
