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Get Around AdBlock?

Posts: 9
Joined: 15 Nov 11

Get Around AdBlock?


I went into my website with my laptop that uses Adblock and I noticed that it blocked my affiliate banner that's on the right hand side throughout all my posts. I would of course want my affiliate link to be visible as much as possible since It is the only banner I'm using.

Is there a way to get around this? I don't know how normal it is for people to use ad block but if it's somewhat normal this can be devastating for my conversions.

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Hi aeybey,

I saw this post on how to get around the adblock plugin in Digital Point but haven't tried it. I found this article in that provides information on this add-on.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Having a mix of image ads and text links will provide you with better conversions in the long run. Some people just prefer text links and they won't be blocked.

It would be good to figure out how to keep your ads from being blocked, but I also suggest that you study page layout for ads, links, etc. and then test, test, test!
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honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about it anyway. make sure you are using text links, since those will still show up, but if they are using adblock, chances are they probably wont be buying customers and wont be clicking a banner ad anyway, so whats the use in trying go around it? Instead, focus your efforts on attracting more buying customers to your site and building relationships with them. Don't waste your energy on people who take measures to NOT buy products.
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