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Creating interactive site

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Creating interactive site

I have been wanting to add more interaction to my websites for a long time, but I have only ever designed my sites in html. Can anybody recommend something to ease me into it? What I really want to do is design a site that you need to become a member to get in, once they register offer them some stuff to buy you know, last chance to buy this for this discounted never to be seen again price yadda yadda, then into a members area complete with forum etc. Can anyone give me any software suggestions or do you think I should just post the project at Elance and get out in the sun?! Cheers :lol:
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You want just a login script and a forum? Who do you have for webhosting. There is most likely a simple feature to add that to your site from the control panel.

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Is it that easy? I used netfirms for both last time, I will check that out. Do you know anything about phpnuke? Would that be good to learn or am I way off :roll:
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Way off girl! :lol: Well not really :)

You just want a simple forum like this? You can use them for free. I would recommend PHPBB or SMF Forum or Vbullentin. They are all easy to adminster and use. Basically you...

1) Download the zip file
2) Unpack
3) Create database on webhost via control panel
4) Upload files to webserver
5) Install forum from internet browser.

As for the login script you can find a few online :wink:

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Soooo, what is phpnuke then? Do people not use it to create interactive sites? :oops: I do have a membership login thingy on one of my websites, but it is quite budget. What I want is for people to be able to change passwords and things like that and to be able to install it all by me onesy savvy? :idea:
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PHPNuke is not recommended simply because the interface is a pain to adminster and it is less secure to hacker attacks than it's counterpart PHPBB.

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You can try either Joomla or Drupal, both are Content Management Systems (CMS) that have membership plugins.

If you want a system with One Time Offers and other 'viral' marketing tools, then the Butterfly system is it (albeit expensive). I use a 'copy' of it called the Motivated Marketing System which installs into a server and allows you to have memberships, split payments for referrals, etc.

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I also have a copy of MMS, I finally found video tutorials on setting everything up on it too, it has it's own forum support, unknown to me at first, but now I am aware. I've yet to implement it, but it sure looks like a great software. Apparently they had some bugs with it for a while, but I'm told these bugs are now fixed, so I'm hoping it will be good. I picked up a whole package for $9.95, but now it's at $19.95 through Tim Brockelhurst and ListMission. The cheapest I've seen this software otherwise is $57 bucks, so it's a pretty good deal. not an affiliate link by the way. If you decide to go that route, Davin
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Can you share where I can get the videos/forums? Mine is all setup fine, but there's some security flaws which I'd like to iron out.

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If you have a link Davin put it up, you may as well if I do buy it, which I will if you think it is good. I have also been exploring my server, I didn't actually realise how much is included and what you can do. They have Joomla in the package up from mine. So thanks guys, I really appriciate the advice. Before I joined here I used to post to another forum which I did with my first post here, I checked back just now and there is still tumbleweed blowing through, so thanks again!
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I got THe MMS too... but never used it.

Where is this forum?
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Another thing I forgot to mention was I wanted people to be able to comment on articles, can anyone please direct me to any info on how I can add this function? Cheers :!:
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Hey guys, here is the link to the MMS forum, yes they have videos there, about the setup, the different applications of it, etc. etc. I hope this helps you all, I know that when I finally put it in place I would of been lost without it!

Cheers Davin
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Thanks for the link Davinator. It will really help.

davinator wrote:Hey guys, here is the link to the MMS forum, yes they have videos there, about the setup, the different applications of it, etc. etc. I hope this helps you all, I know that when I finally put it in place I would of been lost without it!

Cheers Davin
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Ah... so there it is. Thanks. Need to fix a security hole in my MMS that allows people to bypass the sales page and signup (yikes!)
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What do you mean Alvin? Something we might need to know?

Well I found a script to post comments on your site and having been very afraid of PHP and thinking it was going to be a massive learning curve I was thrilled to be able to get to go in one evening! Here it is if anyone is interested:

If I can get it go then anyone can, that's so cool, people can comment now yayyyyyyyy *waves arms in the air like kermit :D
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I haven't had the time to look into it in detail, but I've experienced some signups that bypass my sales page. I think its a settings issue and I wanted to see if an upgrade would help.

Better not say more than that until I know for sure!

PHP is quite easy to learn once you get your head around the basic concepts, good for you that you got it figured out!
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