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creating HTML eMails

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Joined: 14 Jun 11

creating HTML eMails

Hi All,

Any help in the below would be much appreciated as I'm sort of having a nightmare.

I am attempting to create HTML emails, however I am also discovering vast differences in the way emails are built i.e. each email browser seems to render differently.

My question is: Is there a standard that can be adhered to when building html emails? When are classes ignored and not etc. ?

Because I don't have a rule book or rule of thumb direction to go in, I get varied results across browsers even though we might be feeding what is accessible and compliant code as an email.

Any help would be much appreciated as the not actually knowing what we are doing wrong is frustrating.

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Last edited by cecille.l on 30 Aug 11 2:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: grammar

Posts: 105
Joined: 02 May 11
There are a few general guidelines to adhere to when constructing HTML emails such as width, how CSS styles are defined and what can and can't be used. I frequently recommend to clients a service called campaign monitor. It is one of many ESP (Emal Service Providers) - a bit like mail chimp.

Campaign Monitor have a really good selection of FREE html email templates, ideal for using or as a basis for your own. I am not affiliated with them in any way, so try the link below
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@essexboyracer - Thanks for sharing that link! :)

@tyuqte - There *are* general guidelines you can follow. You can refer to the link essexboyracer shared for samples/templates but that doesn't mean these templates would display correctly on all platforms. Similar to browsers, email clients/providers are configured differently, and per user/individual (like how some can only receive rich text and others HTML).
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Posts: 105
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Hi Cecille, another HTML email templates link for you from themeforest: ... -templates.

Note that if you use an email service provider such as mailchimp, campaignmonitor etc, they should give you a test service, where they will run your template in the most popular email clients, including web based ones such as gmail and hotmail
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This topic was started on Aug 29, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
