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Can Yal Review My Website

Posts: 9
Joined: 05 Apr 10

Can Yal Review My Website

I would like you all to review my website and give me some input about it.

  • 1
Posts: 2
Joined: 08 May 10
Hi dwaynetbone,
Your site is good considering that you joined about a month back.
You can add images of candida from wikipedia if the images are in the public domain which will
have more impact on the viewers.
Your site layout is also good.K
  • 1
Posts: 17
Joined: 02 Dec 08
Hey dwayne. Site looks good!! Are you sure this is your first site? haha. Keep at it and add more content. Keep the articles coming and build some backlinks and i see this site making some money for you in the future.
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Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jun 09
Nice looking site, how long has been up and running, some points if I could,
you need tracking such as google analytics, your click bank id is wide open and you should use a php redirect, to stop people from reverse engineering you and what you promote as an affiliate.
but a good site , great work
  • 1
Posts: 36
Joined: 04 May 10
Hi there,

Nice work. The only small thing that I would like to suggest is removing the content links from the footer of your site.

You already have them all in the top left sidebar right, and your affiliate link at the bottom of your article might not get clicked on if these footer links distract your prospect.

Remember your goal is to compel the prospect to click that affiliate link period, not read more articles.

They can if they want, but they would have to scroll back up to the top left to do it. You could always track your page clicks to verify this for certain though.

If you deep link (off site back links) to your article pages then they will still get spider ed that way anyway.

Just another suggestion to help you make it even better :)

PS. Oh, one more thing I just noticed about the bottom of the page affiliate link Image. It still has the Vendor website url on it. It is OK for you to remove it in a paint editing program - It's easy.
  • 1
Posts: 15
Joined: 02 Feb 10
Hello there,
I hope this don't sound silly,i kind of have difficulty editing the page footer and left Panel using xsitepro

I was wondering perhaps my xsitepro need some setting, cos watching Xsitepro tutorial i should be able to edit it, but no where on my side to click OK by footer and left panel column HTML box.

NAVIGATION The left Panel
The text in this column can be edited quickly and easily by going to the Page Layout tab and clicking on the Designer button in the Left Panel section.

And also the Footer

Your web site name here
To edit this text go to the Page Layout tab and
under the Header Panel Section click the Designer button.

can someone kindly explain how to get rid of this.

  • 1

This topic was started on May 06, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.