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Buying X-SitePro 2 as a Click Bank registered Affiliate

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Buying X-SitePro 2 as a Click Bank registered Affiliate

[b]Hi...can anyone share how I would go about purchasing X-SitePro 2 as a ClickBank Affiliate. Essentially I'd like to receive the approx $50 savings. Not sure of the procedures. Thanks in advance. Dante
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hi i think i know what u mean but i'm not exactly sure...what i would do is make an adwords campaign on the product then search for the product, find YOUR ad and click on it like normal, later check your clickbank account and you should be paid the percentage for having sold it to a customer(you). that's how i would do it anyways
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Hi there,
Go to XSITEPRO official site direct, there you will find the affiliate program so that you can join and buy it from yourself to get the rebate for yourself and hence save.
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You can read the Clickbank Accounting Policy under Customer Distribution Requirement, it says that Clickbank Affiliate accounts cannot be used for the purpose of collecting rebates and payment of account balance will be withheld until certain criteria is met such as at least 5 sales from different credit card nos. Somewhere in these policies also made mention about Clickbanks ability to identify sales coming from its affiliates. I wanted to do that myself, I purchased Traffic Travis, Xsitepro, when I purchased Affiloblueprint, I have purchased other Clickbank products as well, I wanted to purchase them from my affiliate link to save from the price but I researched first and that's what I found. I just thought that Clickbank might cancel my account if I do that and so I just dropped the idea about the rebate and just paid the full price. I would have saved some money if I purchased those products from my own affilite link but I decided not to. Did not want to take the risk of losing my clickbank affiliate account.
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I've bought several products from Clickbank using the following method. Firstly I set up a bogus email account with Gmail. Bogus everything. I then send the hoplink to that address from the address I have registered with Clickbank and buy from that email using one my PayPal accounts. I don't think there's any way that Clickbank can track where the money in your PayPal account comes from. While it's probably not foolproof, it seems to work OK.
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I read the clickbank rules carefully and it doesn't forbid you from buying under your affiliate link, it only says you can't use your account exclusively for that purpose.
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I bought XsitePro without a discount. I'm so impressed with it that I plan to promote it. Hopefully I will earn back all the money I spent buying it and more. I heard that a lot of people buy the products they are promoting, it makes them easier to sell when you know what you are talking about.
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I bought XsitePro without a discount. I'm so impressed with it that I plan to promote it. Hopefully I will earn back all the money I spent buying it and more. I heard that a lot of people buy the products they are promoting, it makes them easier to sell when you know what you are talking about.
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Hi Mark

Will there be a discount for affiloblueprint member in buying X-site pro 2.
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Just wanted to share a great resource for Clickbank products , The is a product called CB MALL by a well respected marketer Jeff Mulligan he tell you how you can make money and save money with your own clikbank mall. Here is a link to the free ebook all about it, hope this helps

jim garvin
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I could of sworn that I saw a refernce to tutorials about how to build the websites using xsite pro when I saws the sales page for this awesome product. But I can not seem to find any videos here on how to use xsite pro to build the sites can anyone help

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if you bought the blueprint check out the week 3. Those are the videos I think you are looking for.

Hope that Helps,

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Thanks Whistler, That is exactly what I was looking for

many thanks
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