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Buggy Post Editor

Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Jan 13

Buggy Post Editor


This is a problem I've been having since day one..!!!!
I'm almost sure if it has to do with affilo theme.

The editor has so many bugs and every simple post becomes a nightmare !!!
I tried to install a new editor with no luck and same thing.
I also found that I don't have the option to create a square to create simple
design like in mark's blue print lessons.

Please help me it's making my life a NIGHTMARE !!!
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chek my website
Posts: 111
Joined: 16 Jul 10
Hi asafaffiliate. No, you don't have the ability to make the square without a certain plugin and yes the standard editor does stink a lot! Don't worry though, there are plugins to help with this. I recommend using TinyMCE and TinyMCE Advanced for your editor needs and then I have a plugin called Standout Colors and Boxes that can help you to create a similar box to what you are looking for. I hope I helped. Good luck!
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alan roy hocking
Posts: 16
Joined: 18 Jul 10
Hi Asafaffiliate and Nelsencaleb.

Just a note.

If you are using WP version 3.9 and above "Ultimate TinyMCE" won't work any more.

The Author Josh knows this and has replaced it with "WP Edit"

I'm not sure if TinyMCE and TinyMCE Advanced experienced the same problems with the 3.9 update?

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The happiest people don't always have the best of everything, they just know how to make the best of everything.
Posts: 111
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TinyMCE and Tiny MCE Advanced work well for me and I have no issues. I wasn't aware of "Ultimate TinyMCE" is that a better MCE?
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alan roy hocking
Posts: 16
Joined: 18 Jul 10
I really don't know if it's better or not just wanted to let you know that some plugins had issues when they did the last upgrade but if it's working for you then fine.
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The happiest people don't always have the best of everything, they just know how to make the best of everything.
Posts: 111
Joined: 16 Jul 10
Oh okay thanks a lot for the information Alan, appreciate it!!
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Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Jan 13
Hey guys
till now i used "TinyMCE Advanced" and like i said it has sooo many bugs!

and after what "nelsencaleb" told me i've put "TinyMCE and TinyMCE Advanced Professsional Formats and Styles" and it over writes the "TinyMCE" and doesn't have
many of the fitures so i deactivated it..
I also installed "Standout Color Boxes and Buttons" - and it doesn't appear in my editor!!?

what do you think i should do?
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chek my website
Site Admin
Posts: 74
Joined: 15 Nov 10
Hey Asafaffliate,

If you're having issues with the editor, it sounds like you're describing WordPress' inbuilt functionality; sorry to hear it's not working for you [although, of course, it's not actually our code :)]

If you describe what exactly you're trying to achieve [with links to screenshots would be even more helpful], either here in a forum post, or by emailing support through our contact form, then we would be more than happy to try and get you sorted! [Unfortunately no guarantees though, since it sounds like you're struggling with inbuilt WordPress code]
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This topic was started on May 28, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
