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Belief in product.How to move forward? HELP!

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Belief in product.How to move forward? HELP!

I am entirely new to the affiliate scene and need some clarity. It would seem that a lot of money is being made promoting products that have no interest to me at all.I have no interest in 'weight loss' or 'dog training' or many of the apparent high earning niches around .How important is it to find a niche that you are personally passionate about?I have no desire to promote the sale of products that I cannot honestly endorse or believe in. Is this attitude contrary to the majority of affiliates beliefs? I sell through auction sites already and would like to continue this importing some products and dropship others using products from my own hobbies. How can I marry this with affiliate marketing and not waste a lot of time. Is there someone who can give me a few tips? I am not afraid of hard work over the long haul but adjusting reports etc to make them look and sound like they are my own just is not me! Can anyone point me in the right direction? I feel like there is a very thin line between marketing and blantant manipulation that does not sit easy with me. Should I therefore avoid affiliate programmes entirely therefore?
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I don't think there's any doubt that working in a domain you're passionate about gives you a boost. For instance, it will affect the sincerity of your writing and get you through times when you'd be giving up on topics you don't feel anything for. Enthusiasm is contagious, it will shine through your content to your audience. It also helps you to really know what your audience is thinking - something which cannot be stressed too much.

There are many honest (let's just keep it simple and define that as "expressing only that which is true" and "having max respect for your audience and customers") marketers.

I expect they have more long term success, because they build trust and that leads to long-term business relationships as opposed to short-term sales in ways which compromise trust. Long term relationships are not only more enjoyable and less bother, they are also more profitable.

Of course today's consumer comes to you with a big load of cynicism (for good reason). So you must learn how to prove to them that you're honest and build their trust gradually.

The right direction? Well, one key is learning online market research skills. You must find a market niche you're passionate about - but which also meets several necessary affiliate marketing criteria (as covered by Mark Ling's tutorials here).

If you feel that most marketers are less than honest - well then that means you have less competition if you're different. Is that a bad thing?

_jim coe (honest marketer)
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Thanks for a helpful and prompt reply. Cheers. Roger. NZ
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Hi roger.s,

Welcome to Affilorama!

We recommend that you go into a niche that you are knowledgeable in or have an interest in. This would make it easier for you to research for products as well as write articles for your site. However, you have to set your expectation that you might not earn as much, since your chosen niche might not be popular or belong to the more lucrative niches.

I suggest you look at the niche you're interested in and look at affiliate networks like Clickbank or ShareASale and see what products are being promoted within your niche. There's also Amazon to look at where you will be promoting physical products.

You mentioned auction sites and dropship. You might want to take a look at SaleHoo. They are an online wholesale directory that provide training for online sellers as well.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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I am a Salehoo member already. Thanks again
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Hi Roger,

While everyone will advise that you choose a niche that is "profitable", still, nothing beats doing things that you really like. This is the same as choosing what you want to take up in college. If it doesn't feel right, everything won't fall right into place. If you really have a strong belief, stick to that. This option may not be easy as choosing a money-niche site but success will always come to you.

There are numerous affiliate products and services online. Of course, you may know the very popular ones like Clickbank and Amazon. I suggest that you list down the ones you really like and want to promote. Additionally, it will be also helpful that you list down the ones that you don't necessarily like but is interested to promote online.

Having your own list of products is much easier than browsing online for possible interests. With this list on hand, you may conduct a search to see which sites have your product interest. You may not only encounter large network sites like Clickbank, but you may also see websites (that are not listed on affiliate network sites) offering affiliate programs.
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Choosing a niche that you are passionate about is really helpful, although not absolutely essential if you can outsource everything. However, more and more, SEO is becoming dependant on social engagement with your content. The more engagement you can build, the better you will do over the long term, and if you aren't passionate about your niche that will be extremely hard.

There are great products in those niches, but if you have no experience with them, you shouldn't be trying to promote them. Instead, find you passions and then look for products in line with those passions. Although you hear a lot about the big money niches, there are a lot of smaller niches that you could dominate with a good authority site, that all have lower competition, and still have some great products.
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