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Affilotheme in Affiloblueprint Different From My Site

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Joined: 16 Jan 14

Affilotheme in Affiloblueprint Different From My Site

Hi there,

My Affilotheme looks different to the Affilotheme in the Blueprint videos.

For example, in the video, the guy (Michael I think) was able to pick from a variety of "layouts" for Affilotheme. He chose the layout for Enlightenment Gateway which included a Top Menu and customizable sidebar. The layout looked a lot better than mine. (

This is partly because I can't do and of this. I just have one theme layout option which is exactly the same as the Weimaraner Problems layout ( from Affilojetpack videos. I can't seem to make a Top Menu, or customize the sidebar the way Michael does in the Blueprint video.

Can someone explain to me why this is the case?

Update: I have deleted the Affilotheme theme and tried to reinstall from the downloadable .zip file from the blueprint area. It gets to 100% then page "crashes" and I get an error message!!!


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Hi Jeremy,

I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused. The website is using Affilotheme 3 while the website on Affiloblueprint is using Affilotheme 4. You can migrate your Affilojetpack-Hosted site to use Affilotheme 4. You may follow the steps at
How Can I Use Affilotheme 4 on my Affilojetpack Site?

I appreciate your patience and hope that helps.

All the best,
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The migration for worked although at this stage I cant get it to look any different from how it was pre-migration although the Affilotheme options are now available.

The migration for did not work. I clicked on the check migration link to head to the wp/admin login page (in migration mode) but I just got a blank screen???

For now I am deleting the migration and will try again soon. Failing that what can I do?


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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Jeremy,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your post.

The migration for worked although at this stage I cant get it to look any different from how it was pre-migration although the Affilotheme options are now available.

Please go to Affilotheme > Design and Layout and pick out a new design and layout for your website. Make sure to click on Save Settings to save the changes. Be sure to clear your browser's cache too before viewing the site again.

The migration for did not work. I clicked on the check migration link to head to the wp/admin login page (in migration mode) but I just got a blank screen???

Please delete the migration and start over. If the issue persists, then please send us an email with temporary admin logins to your website so we could look into the issue further. You may send it through the contact form on our support page.

I appreciate your patience and hope that helps. All the best!
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This topic was started on Feb 09, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
