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affilotheme 3 footer problem

Posts: 23
Joined: 11 Jun 10

affilotheme 3 footer problem

My custom footer text is showing up garbled. This is causing my site to grind to a halt and is costing me sales CPU usage jumps to over 60%. Extremely slow loading and navigation. When I remove the following code from my footer.php file it removes the text from the footer and loading and navigation times are improved.

echo '<p>' . $ddm_footer_custom_text .'</p>';

I want to use the custom text footer option is there anyway to delete this text without using the theme options page footer tab as it won't let me scroll down to the footer section. It just freezes there.

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Site Admin
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Hi Jay,

Can you please send us an email at support and include a temporary admin access so that we can have your theme files checked? Thanks.
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Hi Mike, I'd be happy to. How exactly do I set that temp admin access up?
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You can create a new user via Dashboard > Users > Add New

Enter any username and password.(twice). You may use any of your email addresses in the email field. Please don't forget to set the role to 'Administrator'.

It'll also be helpful if you'll include a detailed explanation in the email since we might be forwarding this to our senior developers.
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Mike, Email sent.
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Posts: 23
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Well my site is down and out at the moment. When I try to view it or login to my admin page I get this:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Any thoughts?

Anyone? Hello.....
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Site Admin
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Hi jhlbrk,

Sorry for the late response. The 500 Internal Server error is usually caused by an invalid syntax in the .htaccess file. Is your website hosted in Affilojetpack lite hosting? If it is, please contact us immediately so that we can have your files checked at the back end.
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Hi Mike, You got it. I contacted my host and they confirmed
"incorrect rules in .htaccess file"
They pasted the correct ones in there.
It worked for a couple days now it's down again.
I'm still having the "theme/options problems as discussed above.
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You probably have a plugin that messes up your .htaccess file. It'll be better if you contact your host to verify which plugin is causing this. And I think I've already replied to the ticket you've sent regarding the theme footer issue.
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Hi Mike.
Thanks for the reply.

I'm using the following plugins

All In One SEO
Google XML Sitemaps
Smart Youtube
Tiny MCE Advanced

Never had a problem with them on other sites using different themes and one using the same theme.
My host has cleared up the .htaccess for now atleast.

I deactivated/deleted the Affilotheme 3 and made sure that there was no piece of it left on my host ftp.
I then reinstalled the theme from the original zip file.
The garbled footer text and massive slow down to my site returned instantly.
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Site Admin
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Hi Jay,

This issue has already been forwarded to one of our senior developers. We need you to reply to the follow up email sent via support in order for us to continue working on this issue.
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This topic was started on Oct 28, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.