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Affilorama Hosting Problems

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Affilorama Hosting Problems

I have recently set up a domain on your hosting platform and have issues:

1) Your training (Affilorama 2.0) talks about setting up wordpress on your site using Fantastico - but there is no Fantastico in your hosting control panel
2) I then tried installing wordpress from your CGI Script section, however when I tried to install via this, I got an error message saying:
"There was a problem installing the requested script. Please make sure that the directory you are installing to is empty". - It's a new site, the directory is empty.
3) So I then tried accessing my cpanel via: - and I get:
404 Not Found
The requested URL /cpanel was not found on this server.

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Hi raelee,

When the Affiloblueprint videos containing the Wordpress setup lessons were recorded, we were not offering hosting with the Premium membership yet. The Affilorama Premium Hosting started only in November 2009.
When the wordpress installation process says that the directory you are installing to should be empty, then go to that folder through the file manager and make sure it is empty. If you are installing to the root folder (public_html), then delete the the file named index.html before installing wordpress.
You can access your Affilorama Premium Hosting control panel by first logging in to your Affilorama account and then clicking Premium Hosting on the right column of the homepage. Then click the Access button for the domain that you want to go to and it will bring you to the control panel for that domain.
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Hi,I am using this site's hosting plan,still now there is no problem for my website,this service provider really provide an very best may also try this one.
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I'm really confused about ftp and affilorama hosting.

I have the jetpack and I unlocked the dog training theme and started adding content.

Now I want to apply to the eBay partners network (just for something extra!) and they're asking me to upload a text file to my base directory.

To do this, I need to use ftp.

To connect via ftp I need my server login information.

I don't even know what server we're using with affilojetpack sites.

Just know where to point the DNS.

But no login info for the server.

I can't for the life of me figure out the info I need to connect to the ftp.

Lots of forum posts say to unlock your premium hosting, but the link for premium hosting only takes me to a sales page. I already bought the jetpack and have a live site, so I must have hosting information somewhere?

Can you tell I'm confused??

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you dont have FTP access with the affilojetpack hosting. you have to buy the premium hosting to get the ftp access.
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Thanks for answering that question. I just got the same answer from tech support.

I have unlimited hosting through my account with GoDaddy.

Any known issues with moving over to their hosting service?


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have no idea, heard too many bad things about GoDaddy so I never used them.
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netbrainer wrote:Help!

I'm really confused about ftp and affilorama hosting.

I have the jetpack and I unlocked the dog training theme and started adding content.

Now I want to apply to the eBay partners network (just for something extra!) and they're asking me to upload a text file to my base directory.

To do this, I need to use ftp.

To connect via ftp I need my server login information.

I don't even know what server we're using with affilojetpack sites.

Just know where to point the DNS.

But no login info for the server.

I can't for the life of me figure out the info I need to connect to the ftp.

Lots of forum posts say to unlock your premium hosting, but the link for premium hosting only takes me to a sales page. I already bought the jetpack and have a live site, so I must have hosting information somewhere?

Can you tell I'm confused??


Don't get confused y friend, I will help you. I can aoslve any of your queries and problem related to the eBAY EPN account. Just contact me at forexseller at gmail .
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Hi, there are some things I don't understand when entering my
premium hosting account,

When I have set up my domain I click on the access button then my control panel appears
I scroll down to wordpress and click on it then it asks me to choose an installation
I don't understand why I need to do this?
All i want to do is open the wordpress so that I can start to use my site,
have watched all the videos but there's nothing in there to explain how to do this

Have tried entering admin in the installation directory box at the end
but keep getting this message.
There was a problem installing the requested script. Please make sure that the directory you are installing to is empty.

What am I doing wrong?


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If you just established the hosting account, then wordpress (for premium), then wordpress isn't automatically installed. Clicking on wordpress in the control panel tells it you want to install wordpress. That is why it is asking you where you want to install it.

I think if you leave this blank, it should install in the root directory. You just need to make sure that there isn't anything already there. You can do that by going to the File Manager from the control panel and making sure the "public_html" folder is empty. If it isn't, select everything in the folder, right click on the selection, and select "delete" from the context menu. Then you should be able to install wordpress without problems.

(The staff can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I seem to remember this being the way to do it.)

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Thanks Grady will have a look at that,
a newbie at this but will give it a go..

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Hi Everyone,
I found Premium Hosting very confusing too.
I need to use FTP and can't find the "unlock FTP" on the right hand side of the control panel as is mentioned in the training vidoes.

At the moment FTP does not connect with my site , the "error" shown is cant find the server...??
Anyone can help please??

Many thanks.
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AlinaS wrote:Hi Everyone,
I found Premium Hosting very confusing too.
I need to use FTP and can't find the "unlock FTP" on the right hand side of the control panel as is mentioned in the training vidoes.

At the moment FTP does not connect with my site , the "error" shown is cant find the server...??
Anyone can help please??

Many thanks.

Hi Alina,
I have just moved an old site from hostgator to Premium hosting, and I had a few problems, but the support staff are a great help.

What you have to do is use filezilla to upload your website.

The FTP panel is on the right hand side, if you don't have it then I suggest you ask the affilorama staff to check your package.....

I found it to be quite simple, but there was a few "gliches" as I couldn't access my wordpress cp after I uploaded it,
Im reloading it now... so I hope it works.

Good luck with it... try not to get to frustrated. :)
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I'm trying to point my DNS using your hosting for Affilojetpack
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This topic was started on May 06, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.