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Adding Google Webmaster Tools Verification Code in XSitePro

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Adding Google Webmaster Tools Verification Code in XSitePro

Hi there - I am a total newbie so please excuse me if my question seems like a simple one!! I am trying to verify ownership of my site with Google. Can someone please tell me where I put the META tag Google provide in XSitePro or is there some other way of adding this piece of identifying code to my website? I totally appreciate your reply! Many thanks!
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Open your site in XSitePro and choose the "Other" tab. Click on the "Global Scripts" button and paste the meta tag code in the "In the HEAD Section of the Page" tab. Click "ok". Save and publish :)

Proceed with the verification after republishing your site.
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Thank you so much! Got it sorted....appreciate your speedy response time. Kind Regards and thanks again!
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You're welcome. Glad we could help :)
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We weren't able to verify your site: ""

I tried to verify my site with google, , but they were not able to verify it, i chose the other page and Global Script, and pasted the codes i got from google, then Ok and publish, i went back to google to verify but it did not work, can some one please help me out. Also some pages in my website are missing, i check the left navigator of my Xsitepro , all were click, i don't know what went wrong, be glad for an assistance. thanks
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Tulips wrote:We weren't able to verify your site: ""

I tried to verify my site with google, , but they were not able to verify it, i chose the other page and Global Script, and pasted the codes i got from google, then Ok and publish, i went back to google to verify but it did not work, can some one please help me out. Also some pages in my website are missing, i check the left navigator of my Xsitepro , all were click, i don't know what went wrong, be glad for an assistance. thanks

That would mean that the file that Google required for verification was not uploaded properly. Can you try to get the file from Google Webmasters tool and upload it again?
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thanks, this helped me too!
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Have you got it verified yet?
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I am still not able to verify my website, i re uploaded the pages of 404 error and re published, but still the same, their most be something wrong with the whole site itself, i guess i have to redo the whole website.
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Verification failed. We couldn't find the verification meta tag.
Meta tag Reverification failed. We couldn't find the verification meta tag.

There must be something wrong with my site, I changed couple of times my home page and publish it, but the page never changes.
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No there is nothing wrong with your website.

The process that has been described to you is for adding Google Analytics code, not for verifying Google Webmaster tools.

Try this and see if it works:

a. Go to your Webmaster Tools account and push the "Add a Site" button

b. Put the name of the site in

c. That will take you to the "Verify Ownership" page, Select from the drop down box "upload an html file" - this much easier to explain than a meta tag.

3. Follow the instructions that come up when you push that option, you should see 4 instructions. Just worry about the first 2 to begin with.

1. Download the HTML verification file. [SHOWS THE VERIFICATION FILE FOR YOUR SITE.html] to your desktop.

- Open Up Xistepro2 and go to your site
- Click on the "Other" tab and go to "Resource Manager"
- Click add, this will bring the your file manager. Find the verification file on your desktop where you downloaded it before
- Click open, and when the next drop down box comes up, select <root folder>
- Click 'Add' the folder is now on your root directory ready for verification.
- Publish your site again.
- Go back to webmaster tools and click the "Verify My Site" and it should be done.

Hope that helps! Best of Luck,

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Hi Paul,

Thank you very much for your Assistance, i tried to verify my site like you wrote, after publishing my site, went back to google to verify, this was on my dashboad.

Search queries
Query Impressions Clicks
<10 <10
dog discipline <10 <10
Apr 13, 2010 to May 13, 2010
More »
Links to your site
No data available. (Why not?)

Crawl errors

In Sitemaps 0
Not followed 0
Not found 8
Restricted by robots.txt 0
Timed out 0
Unreachable 0
Updated May 16, 2010
More »
No data available. (Why not?)

I am very grateful to your support


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try verifying your site without the www. in Webmaster Tools. By this I mean follow the instructions again but leave off the www.

you have verified the site '', try verifying just

This I think is due to when you put your publishing details in to Xsitepro2, you didn't put www in, or vice versa, and also your ftp details in Cpanel don't have or do have www in front of them.

Sorry if I confuse you!


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Hi Paul

My second try, and this is the result,

Search queries
Query Impressions Clicks
obidience <10 <10
Apr 13, 2010 to May 13, 2010
More »
Links to your site
No data available. (Why not?)

Crawl errors

In Sitemaps 0
Not followed 0
Not found 3
Restricted by robots.txt 0
Timed out 0
Unreachable 1
Updated May 16, 2010
More »
Keyword Significance
100% 100%
56% 56%
43% 43%
34% 34%
28% 28%
More »

i have no idea what i did wrong, as far as i know eight pages are not active, i actually built two site, the second one is much better than this one,I have made too much mess with this one, a company i contacted told me they could erase the 404 error pages, but it still shows on my site. Can i change the publishing detain, the publishing domain name is without www also the cpanel.

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I wouldn't worry too much - the pages are there, the second attempt shows that.

Just gather a month's worth of data, and then just correct any errors that Google pick up. Just check the account, and don't worry about the other one. I certainly wouldn't.


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I checked your website at "" and I found links on the navigation bar that are pointing to 'missing' pages on your home page.








Take note of the extra dashes on the URLs. This cannot be fixed using the Google Webmasters tool. You have to fix this from your end using XSitePro. Make sure that all links on the navigation on the left are working fine and republish your website so that the next time Google crawls your site, it won't see these 'missing pages' anymore.
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Thank you very much Paul, I appreciate your assistance.


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Hello Mikeantiga,

About the extra dashes on the URLs,the you mean e.g. the --- basics-- of- dog--obedience --- puppy----training ? Do i have to erase them / correct them from my Xsitepro? can you show me an example?

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Hi Tulips, yes you have to correct the links on the navigation bar on the left on XSitePro. For example, on your homepage at "" , there is a "The Basics Of Dog Obedience – Puppy Training" link on the navigation bar. If you click this link, it goes to this missing page: "" . When I compared this with your Sitemap, the correct link should be "" . This happens to the other links that I posted above. If Googlebot will crawl your site again, it will see these incorrect links and list these as 404 errors on your Google Webmaster tool.
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Hi Mikeantiga,

All the links on my left Navigator bar are working fine , the file names are also correct, have no clue where this comes from(-%E2%80%93) i have even deleted the 404 error pages, re-pasted with notepad and publish but still the same. So where in Xsitepro can i change this error link? I mean which button to correct this mistake? I searched but could not find, i have no knowledge of HTML.

The Funny thing is that i re writhed my Home page Heading with H1 black witting and publish, everything is fine in Xsitepro,but when i open my website its still red Why ? i do not know.

Thank you for your assistance

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Hi Tulips, when I checked your homepage at "" , some the links on the navigation bar are pointing to non-existing pages. For example, the link "The Basics Of Dog Obedience – Puppy Training" (2nd from the top) will show the default Hostgator 404 error page when accessed. This is due to the extra " - " on the navigation link to the "The Basics Of Dog Obedience – Puppy Training" page. Have you already checked the filenames of your pages in XSitePro? Make sure that the filenames are correct on the 'Page Information' settings and the 'Show on Left Navigation' is checked on the 'Menu Settings'. Don't forget to re-publish your site once you're done editing the pages.
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Hi Mikeantiga,

I decided to cancel the site and re do it, i deleted the site in xsitepro, when i type in the URL, it was still showing. so i went through cpanel , by file manager to delete the content. hope it will not affect the site if i re upload to the website.

the new one should re-write the one i cancel . or do i need to do something before i re-upload the re do one to the website.

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paul naples
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I've built my site following Mark's suggestions on the Affiloblueprint course and so I missed off the "www." from the domain name in the web server details section of XsitePro (under 'publishing details'). After reading the previous posts I am now wondering if this is goinf to be a problem in the future. Should I put it in now? - my site is practically complete and already published. If I did what would happen? How would this affect my google indexing etc?

Thanks in advance
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paul naples
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I have something to add to this that I've just noticed and I think could be related to this issue. I made some changes to the column width formatting early on in my design (see and have just noticed that the changes didn't seem to get applied to the first two pages. It seems that there are two pages out there and only one os getting updated by XsitePro. All the other pages I have also seem to have the www. version and the one without www. but are updated ok. What is going on here and how can I get my home page to look as I want it to? Also is this duplocation a problem for backlinks and SEO etc?

Forgive my ignorance I've only been doing this one month so far.
Also I'd be very grateful if anyone could give their opinion on how my site looks so far and make any suggestions.

Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.
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This topic was started on Apr 23, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
