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2nd Review, Please Criticise Me!!!

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Joined: 22 Apr 09

2nd Review, Please Criticise Me!!!

Hi am looking for some more ideas and tips, just before you throw anything my way, I have a newsletter currently being put together so that will be up soon.

I am getting about 15-25 visitors a day most days, but still no sales. I am also currently in the process of really changing my colors and header, I am about to give it a bit more of an earthy touch. Most renewable energy sites look quite clean and bright.

I guess I am feeling a little uneasy at the moment due to no sales, I would like some feedback on my content and monetization of my sites????

regards justine
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First, how long has you set this site up? If it's only for a week or two, I don't think you should expect any sales yet.

Second, 15-25 visitors a day is not much. Conversion rate for affiliate sites are usually 1%. That means you could only make one sales per 100 visitors. And you could expect an even lower conversion for visitors coming from your search engine optimization efforts (not PPC) because they're usually looking for freebies.

Third, why do you force your visitors to visit the intermediary page when they click your affiliate link (in your index page)? The more clicks your visitors have to do, the less likely they are to buy. And the more choices you present them, the less likely they'll click any one of them.

Fourth, you always have to test the market. You can't depend only on the Clickbank gravity. I usually test an offer with PPC first to see if it's profitable. If it's not, then I stop right then and there. If it is, I'll then do the SEO part. Anyway, if you have put lots of marketing efforts (article marketing, video marketing, etc) into this site for a month or two and it still doesn't make you a dime, I think it's time to change your niche.
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I agree with Andi that your traffic levels just aren't high enough yet to really determine whether the product will make sales for you or not. This is especially the case if you're driving traffic through natural SEO, since people may just be looking for free information.

One thing I did notice is that some of the language on your site isn't phrased quite as strongly as it should be.

One case in particular is that you regularly use the phrase "If you were to..." For example, this is the case on your "To Build a Wind Turbine" page. The title of the page is "If You Were to Build a Wind Turbine." For one thing, that's not really how most people speak, so it sounds a bit awkward, and it also introduces some doubt into the equation.

I'd really recommend just calling it, "Building Your Own Wind Turbine" or "Build Your First Wind Turbine." Then, in the text, reinforce how easy and cost-effective it is. Leave no doubt in the reader's mind that they can do it, and that it'll be worth it for them. By the end of the article, they should feel like they'd be crazy not to!

You also use some similarly "wishy washy" language on other pages, like, "While you're here, maybe you might want to look at this guide I recommend." Why not say something like, "If you're really serious about saving lots of money on your energy bill and breaking free of the power company, you NEED to read this amazing guide!" I think that would be a lot more compelling. If you want someone to take an action like clicking a link, you need to tell them 1. that they should (many people skip this very important step in selling) and 2. why it's urgent that they do.

A final note is that you might consider organizing your articles in the left sidebar a bit better. Right now that huge list is kind of daunting, and doesn't seem to be in any particular order. You should consider organizing them into article categories like "How To" posts for your building a windmill, turbine, etc, posts, Reviews of various products, etc.

Even if you keep them all showing in the sidebar, I'd at least try to organize them a bit better so that people looking for the "How To" posts will see them all together, for example.

Hope that helps! Good luck!
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wow, thank you andi and bblackwell, I really appreciate both reviews, and still have a lot of work to do. I haven't started any MrK Strat and only submitted about 6 articles to ama for spinning. So in other words thank you andi for your honesty but no I am not ready to give up on this site, there is alot more work to do I feel behind the scenes before I do that.
And bbblackwell thanks for your honesty too, I will take a look at some of the things you have mentioned and get on to it. thanks guys
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Posts: 75
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I'd put the solar wind image right at the top of the page. Link it, then give a short review... you may have done this on other pages... I'm just sort of skimming... anyway, I like that particular image and I'd put it at the top of your page. :)
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hey smuigal, thanks for that, I have to ask I am not sure which page you mean and which image??
regards jus
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