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You need to build links from a variety of IP addresses?

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You need to build links from a variety of IP addresses?

Hi everyone,

I was reading something by Matt Carter (a friend of Mark Ling's, I believe) about backlinks and didn't have a clue what he meant.

I was hoping that somebody more experienced than me ( = virtually everyone at this stage!) could explain.

Carter said you need to make sure your backlinks come from a variety of different IP addresses (or something like that).

But I have no idea what that means.

I thought an "IP address" was connected to the computer you're using. And if that's the case, is Carter saying I need to use lots of different computers to build my backlinks?!

Presumably, if I build all my links on my one computer, then they all come from the "same IP address."...?

Can somebody explain what Carter means?

Thanks so much!

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What Matt Carter was attempting to say was that your links should be derived from multiple sources. That more backlinks derived from different sources are better than multiple links from a single source.

Example: I participate on this forum. Each time I participate I receive a "no follow" backlink. The benefit of these links is not in the juice passed on by the link, but in the social interaction of like minded people.

If the link were a follow link all the link juice would have been passed to my site after the very first time I wrote a comment. Therefore, the benefit of multiple links passing link juice back to a site is one from each IP. There are other benefits associated with forum participation that would include social interaction along with increased traffic to your websites.

So what Matt Carter is stating is that your participation in forums should be limited so that you can devote greater time searching for distinctly individual backlink juice. He is not taking into account the benefits of social interaction or raw traffic increases simply the backlink juice building your website rankings.

Matt Carter's systems work. However I feel there is value in associating and helping when possible others in a simular position as myself. That is why I participate in this forum.

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Last edited by newstart on 12 Oct 11 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Search engines like to see links coming from different IPs. It sends them the message that what you have on your site is interesting and will be beneficial for their users.

As Margene have mentioned, what Matt recommends is that you get links from different sites. Google does not give too much weight backlinks that come from the same sites. Site-wide links are not bad, but if 99% of your backlinks come from the same IP it will look unnatural and the value of the backlinks will be diminished.

Please remember that you should concentrate on the quality and not just the quantity of links. Choose the most organic ways of link building while optimizing your website. Building relationships with your target customers (ie forum participation, social networking sites) is an effective way to get the right traffic and monetize your site.

Hope that helps!
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Hi again,

Thanks for your responses Michelle and Margene. I really appreciate your input. A newbie like me
needs all the help he can get!

One thing though - I still don't think I understand the concept of "same IP" address.

Some of the things in your responses made me think that it meant "from the same website."

But I was under the impression that it meant "made on the same computer/device."

Maybe the following will allow me to explain my confusion:

(i) Suppose I sit at my computer and build one backlink from a forum and then (a bit later) one backlink
from an article site.

Are my links from the "same IP" or from "different IPs"?

On the one hand, I thought they'd be from the same[i] IP since I used the same computer to create the links (and I thought an "IP" was connected to my computer)

On the other hand, the things you guys have said makes me wonder whether those links would be from
IPs (as they're from different sites).

But isn't the "IP" address the thing connected to my computer?

If so, is Carter saying I have to get my links made from different computers/laptops, etc?

I do apologize if I've failed to understand your responses. As I say, I'm new to all this and don't even
understand some of the most basic concepts!

Thanks for your help

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The following paragraph is taken from "What is my address.com":

" 'IP'stands for Internet Protocol, so an IP address is an Internet Protocol address. What does that mean? An Internet Protocol is a set of rules that govern Internet activity and facilitate completion of a variety of actions on the World Wide Web. Therefore an Internet Protocol address is part of the systematically laid out interconnected grid that governs online communication by identifying both initiating devices and various Internet destinations, thereby making two-way communication possible."
Backlinks are links from someone else's website back to your website. Varied backlinks are links from different websites.

The term IP is an ambiguous term having several distinct definitions. In this specific case we are referring to IP as strictly a website address. Each website has a specific IP address assigned to it.
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Posts: 61
Joined: 08 May 11
Thanks for that Margene.

I guess I was confused because of the ambiguity of "IP address."

So each website has an IP address assigned to it.

And when you get links from different websites (or rather webpages) you
get links from "different IPs."

And when you get links from the same website, it's from the "same IP."

Is that it?

Thanks again Margene,

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Posts: 194
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Yes, I believe you have a correct understanding of what is meant by varied IP's.

This is not to be confused with different pages on the same site. The backlinks to be varied must be by distinctly different websites.

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Thanks again Margene - I really appreciate your help!

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