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yahoo backlinks still around ?

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

yahoo backlinks still around ?

I know yahoo has been transferring there services over to Bing and today I went to check to see how many backlinks I had on the yahoo site checker like I always do and it wasn't there anymore. I went to at least 5 other site checkers only to find that all of my 390 yahoo backlinks have vanished. My website is still on page 5 of the yahoo search results so I don't know what is going on. Should I be freaking out about this, could this just be a transition of information from yahoo to Bing or could something really crazy be happening to my web site.
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Here is the answer directly from Yahoo:

With the completion of algorithmic transition to Bing, Yahoo! Search has merged Site Explorer into Bing Webmaster Tools. Webmasters should now be using the Bing Webmaster Tools to ensure that their websites continue to get high quality organic search traffic from Bing and Yahoo!.
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Yes! Yahoo and Bing have merged...Same thing happen to me yesterday when I was looking for my yahoo backlinks and they were all gone. So, I look around to Yahoo and read about the merged. So, I just went to Bing and register for Bing Webmaster Tool..For now, everything is fine! I can see my old Yahoo backlinks...
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mark schaaf
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I have had a bing webmaster account for a little while and I haven't a clue where to look for backlinks on that thing, It has to be the worst thing I have seen. very little in the way of instructions.
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Yahoo site explorer has now been merged into Bing webmaster tools. It's only become effective over the last day so don't panic about your links.

There are other services you can use to check backlinks but it'll be interesting to see what happens with some of the more common toolbars over the next few weeks.
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Yahoo site explorer is gone. Well there are other tools, paid ones, which can do this job.
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To find out how to get the number of inbound links to a site in Bing Webmaters tool, log in to your account then choose the web site in your list that you want to analyze.

On the dashboard, just above the first set of graphs is a button labelled "Export Crawl, Index and Traffic Stats". Click on that and save or open the CSV file in Excel, or whichever spreadsheet program you use. The seventh column along reports the number of inbound links counted by Bing.

Or you could just type LinkFromDomain:site to find outbound links and LinkDomain:site to get a list of inbound links from Bing.
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michellerana wrote:To find out how to get the number of inbound links to a site in Bing Webmaters tool, log in to your account then choose the web site in your list that you want to analyze.

On the dashboard, just above the first set of graphs is a button labelled "Export Crawl, Index and Traffic Stats". Click on that and save or open the CSV file in Excel, or whichever spreadsheet program you use. The seventh column along reports the number of inbound links counted by Bing.

Or you could just type LinkFromDomain:site to find outbound links and LinkDomain:site to get a list of inbound links from Bing.

I never knew we can do this in Bing. Heck, I rarely use Bing and now I think I should more often.
Thanks for the last part, ie LinkFromDomain...
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How about Yahoo directory? Does it help to improve Google ranking?
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No, it has been shut down for a long time, you can use siteexplorer.info to replace it.
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