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Without main niche keyword in domain Weight!!!!

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Joined: 01 Dec 14

Without main niche keyword in domain Weight!!!!


I have 2 domain without include niche keywords. I wanna know without including main niche keywords Could come ranking well on G?

Kinds Regards,
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Posts: 8
Joined: 20 Oct 14
Yes, You can rank your website without main niche keyword in the domain. Write Title and Description as per your keywords.
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Posts: 61
Joined: 30 Nov 14

I'm a fan of exact-match domain names, optimized for a keyword. These are still good if you have the right content (for me that is the right keyword and pages/articles with at least 700 words long--not nonsense but real content related to the site).

But the truth is that if you create/have good content on your site, optimized for your niche keyword, you should can rank.

Also, remember that there are 2 ways to rank in Google: (1) organic results and (2) AdWords. I am assuming you mean you want to rank well for organic results.

And don't forget to include content for long-tail words--I think in one of the introductory (free) lessons they talk about the value of those.

Hope that helps.

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Posts: 22
Joined: 25 Dec 14
Hey ,
To rank on niche keywords, don't need to book domain includes keyword.
This is the against of Google guidelines. Read about Google EMD algorithm.
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Google is not against EMDs; it simply will not give them a preferred position in SERPS if the content is bad just because it is an EMD.

That doesn't mean that Google will not give it a good ranking if it is a term that searchers look for and it has good content on it. The only reason I know this is because I have 2 sites that are EMDs and they are still doing good ( first page ranking) in SERPS.

Read more here- this is from November 7, 2014: http://www.domainsherpa.com/exact-match-domains/.
It's a pretty long article but it gives you a lot of info you can put to work on your own site.
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Site Admin
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Hi Simu,

Yes your website will still rank even if your keywords are not used in your domain. Like Vivian mentioned, you need to optimize your pages well, most importantly your content. Posting very good content will get you into SERPs for your chosen keywords. And of course backing up your on page efforts with off page SEO will help a lot.
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