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Will Google crawl my sitemap if I use nofollow?

Posts: 30
Joined: 28 Apr 09

Will Google crawl my sitemap if I use nofollow?

If I use rel=nofollow on my site map link, will Google still crawl it to see what is on my site?

I know it will not pass off pagerank but wasn't sure if it blocked bots as well.
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Last edited by faradina on 26 Apr 10 1:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: seo

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Google won't crawl your site map if you use no follow (unless they have crawled it already).

Google may still index it but will not transfer PageRank or anchor text across the links.
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Do you mean that you put nofollow on the link to your human-readable sitemap?
If yes, then it does not matter, google will still be able to crawl your other pages if there are links or backlinks to them that are not nofollow.
However, if you put nofollow on the links (to other pages on your site) that are on your human-readable sitemap, then the bots may not crawl the pages linked to from the human-readable sitemap.
But it would still be possible for bots to crawl your pages if you submit an xml sitemap to the webmaster tools of each SE.
For more information about what nofollow does, you can go to http://www.google.com/support/webmaster ... swer=96569
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Posts: 30
Joined: 28 Apr 09
Thanks ladies!
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Posts: 10
Joined: 19 Apr 10
Hello Everyone,

Thanks michellerana,faradina , for share your knowledge with us.

Ernie wright
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