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Will changing keywords affect ranking?

Posts: 137
Joined: 17 Jul 08

Will changing keywords affect ranking?

I have built a site a year ago. Recently I looked at the site and found that I wasn't doing a good job at keyword research. I did keywords search again. And I want to change the target keywords. Will this affecting SEO ranking?
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Posts: 55
Joined: 07 Oct 10
Hello. Well, yes changing keywords can affect SEO ranking. Basically, competition from keyword to keyword varies so if you plan to use a more competitive keyword than the one you have, this means you have to start from scratch. Moreover it may take longer for your site to rank for the new keyword you plan to target particularly if it's more competitive.
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Posts: 174
Joined: 24 Apr 09
You could just add new keywords to your meta tags or posts
If the old ones are ranking why not add more articles with the new ones
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Posts: 137
Joined: 17 Jul 08
affil96754 wrote:You could just add new keywords to your meta tags or posts
If the old ones are ranking why not add more articles with the new ones

I think that's the best way to do it.
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
@Tonyguitar, I also agree with affil96754 that you should add articles that target your new keywords. That would be like killing two birds with a single stone: you get to target the keywords and you get to have more content on your site. It's a win-win proposition :)
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Posts: 5
Joined: 19 Nov 10
It will probably be easier to rank for the new keywords than it would be on a new site, but google will take some time to rank you for these new words all of a sudden.
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