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Why such a difference between Yahoo! and Google?

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Joined: 24 Nov 09

Why such a difference between Yahoo! and Google?

Have been slogging away with my website and basically the only real important SEO I've done was to build a relative Squidoo lens and submit my site to the search engines and a few directories. I haven't even done EZA and other article directories or serious back linking strategies, which I am ready to go for now.

I have used about 12 targeted keyword phrases and if I do a rank check (I use SEOBook's rank checker) all but one of my keywords are ranked with Yahoo!

It varies from # 115 to # 5 which I think is quite OK seeing I have not put in that much effort up to know.(7 in the top 20 - and the website has been live for only a month)

On the other hand I have, with Google, just 2 of the keywords ranked, one in position # 140 and the other 59.

This is my first experience with this and I thought there would be more of a similarity between the search engines ranking criteria? Also thought that Google loved Squidoo?

Any comments or help appreciated.
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The two search engines use algorithms that are different from each other and that would be why there is a disparity in the rankings.
Squidoo is indeed in high regard but it would still depend on the quality of the lens that you created.
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Thanks Faradina. I understand about the algorithms, but just thought they'd be much closer in their measurement criteria.
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For over all wellness you need a solid Omega 3 fatty acids intake
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You may read through these articles that explain how Google and Yahoo rank your content:
Difference between Search Engines Indexing -- Yahoo , MSN , Google
Difference in Page Ranking of Yahoo and Google

This thread might also be helpful:
Difference between Yahoo and Google SEO techniques?
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Mmmm, very interesting. Thanks Michellerana
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For over all wellness you need a solid Omega 3 fatty acids intake

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