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Where to get good high PR backlinks

mark schaaf
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Where to get good high PR backlinks

I keep hearing people say they are getting 20 to 50 back links a day and wondering how and where they are getting them when I am lucky to get 1 a day and those are from righting an article. I have looked a many high pr sites that are in my niche and since they are promoting the same things I am they don't do back links to other sites so how do I find high pr sites that back link to other sites. I have tried what Mark has said to do a few times and put in my niche and + back link or links and can't seem to find much. what am i doing wrong. Mark
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Hi Mark, try the britannica blog. I do not think they allow links in the body of the comment but the website link on the name of the comment poster is a follow link. The trick there is to find a post that has high pr and is related to your niche/website, and put in a high quality comment.
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You might also want to check the discussion on this thread: Posting on forums with high page rank to build backlinks
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I have just tried Backlinks Phillipines (giving it a try for $16=40 postx5links each = 200). They seem so register you with a high PR site (PR4-7) but that is it. Do you think this type of links has any value, since they only sit on your member profile. I will let people know if it does work. Have you tried Angela's links? I find it much more time-consuming to do blog backlinks than doing article submissions through Ezine, AMA.
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If you are already submitting articles to get backlinks I think you should continue to write more articles and thoroughly prepare them for spinning to submit to article sites (if you like to write). I took one of my internal pages from page 6 on google of a 2000 per month keyword phrase up to # 2-3 on page one almost exclusively using spun article submitting and am now using it for several other pages. It took alot of time at first but now I can write a new article in a half hour or so then spend 3-5 hours thoroughly preparing it for spinning ( be sure to prepare it very well or your just wasting your time) and then I start submitting to article sites and in a few days I have links from them. An additional benefit to article submitting is that you can often include two or more links with the article which can be used to shoot for different keywords.
Heres a few lists of article sites to help.

Not all of these sites are active so check for "lattest articles" and if they are not recent then just move on to the next.
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Paul Burkhardt
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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Hi Mark,

I agree with Paul that you should leverage the articles you have been writing by spinning them and submitting to article directories. Just a note that if you are submitting to Ezine then I highly suggest you submit your original unspun article to them first because they are the most stringent regarding duplicate content and also because they probably have the highest recognized authority in the eyes of Google where article directories are concerned.

After your Ezine article is approved, then spin your articles (I HIGHLY recommend The Best Spinner to make this a breeze) and submit to other High PR directories. This way you can get another 20 or so quality back links to your site.

Aside from article directories, you can also submit to blog networks. Free Traffic System is one I regularly use. The idea is that you submit your spun article to them and it gets posted to other blogs that accept it. This way you can probably get at least another 20+ back links from other blogs. The links are good too because they are anchor text links from relevant blogs in your niche.

I've found the two methods above one of the better ways of getting good back links. Although high PR back links are great, but don't get too hung up on them. I think link relevance (like anchor text) and diversity (links from different sources) is a more important factor.

Keep writing and leveraging your articles because there's huge potential there. If you keep at even 1 article per day and use the methods I just talked about, you could potentially be increasing your back links at a rate of 20+ a day!

In my signature is free report that shows you another two tools I use to get easily another 20+ links in a matter of minutes. Do check it out. ;)

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AMA is pretty efficient, you can also use UAW which spins and submits automatically, it's a bit more painful than AMA to use though, but you can still expect a decent amount of backlinks.
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Here's another site that's really worth commenting on:


Again, no spamming, otherwise your comment may not get to see the light of day at all. Make a real contribution instead.
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My strategy is simple, basically what Mark Ling recommends. I get and article written for my web-site. I write one for Ezine. After Ezine accepts I thoroughly spin it and submit to AMA. I the spin one article from AMA and submit to iSnare (after some tweaks if needed). I target to submit 12 articles to iSnare per site at the start. However, I have used a guy on Fiverr to give 500 backlinks for $5 and these have shown up on Traffic Travis within a week. I also used Backlinks Philippines (there first link has now shown up on Traffic Travis). Interesting enough, this backlink is only from my profle on a n/a PageRank. This must indicate that links on noPR pages still count. However, most of these are "suck it and see" stuff while the article marketing is the backbone to the long term. Thanks for all the advise on this thread. It is really useful. I will give more feedback if I find a significantly cheap way to get backlinks done.
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i usually email webmasters for 3 way links exchanges.
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We do not recommend link exchanges. It dilutes the effect of the backlinks and can have negative impact on websites. See http://www.google.com/support/webmaster ... swer=66356
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still my favorite way is guest posting on blogs. For example, I did a guest post just the other day talking about how I get traffic from forums (part of a guest blogging contest) and in the 3 days since I posted it, I have gotten over 300 visitors to my site, and about 75 new opt ins to my list that I can track to that post. do 2-3 of those a week, and you won't be worrying about google rankings any more.
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would anyone be so kind to explain what spinning an article is and what AMA etc is? I have wrtiten 2 articles and after reading the above I am worried that if i put them on too many article sites it may have a negative impact. Please help!
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Hi there,

Spinning basically means to add variations of words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs (or a mix of all) to your article. Doing helps you get more millage out of your article and helps when you need to submit to multiple article directories because it makes your spun article at least partially unique each time (depending on how heavily you spin it). Here's an example of a spun sentence:

{Having done|Now that you have done|Once you have done} the {appropriate|right} research, you now need to put what you have {learned|studied} into {action|practice}.

After spinning you might get the following variations:

Variant 1: Having done the right research, you now need to put what you have learned into practice.
Variant 2: Once you have done the appropriate research, you now need to put what you have studied into action.

I think you can get the idea. Obviously the more variables you have, the more combinations you can make.

AMA stands for Article Marketing Automation and basically it is a service/tool that allows you to submit a spun article which it then sends to various article directories for approval saving time in the process. In this case, potentially hundreds of article directories are going to receive your article so spinning ensures that the chances of it getting rejected due to duplicate content prohibitions are lower. Some article directories are stricter though and will only receive completely original articles. EZine is one of them which is why it is usually recommended to submit your original to them first to get approved before proceeding to the rest of the article directories.

Hope that answers your question.

To get some more pointers on rewriting and spinning I would recommend reading this thread: website-content/about-rewriting-and-spinning-articles-t11355.html

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mark schaaf wrote:I keep hearing people say they are getting 20 to 50 back links a day and wondering how and where they are getting them when I am lucky to get 1 a day and those are from righting an article. I have looked a many high pr sites that are in my niche and since they are promoting the same things I am they don't do back links to other sites so how do I find high pr sites that back link to other sites. I have tried what Mark has said to do a few times and put in my niche and + back link or links and can't seem to find much. what am i doing wrong. Mark

Hi Mark, Here is my few words to get high page rank back links, i prefer articles, blog commenting, forum posting, press release to get high page rank back links. You can also try to gain more back link with different various link building process.

Any suggestions or advices please paste here.

Thank you
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Start to do forum posting and also bookmarking with high PR which help to increase the Backlinks

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We need to concentrate on relevant sites with good pr for getting quality of backlinks

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Hey everyone.
While we are on the subject of the quality of backlinks. I have been getting a lot of mixed info regarding what makes a good link. Some people say that the PR of the page that the link is on is very important and others say that it is not as important as it used to be, and that the home page PR means nothing if your link is on an internal page that has little or no PR. Also the relevance surrounding the link seems to be more relevant than it used to be. I have even seen some people say that the anchor text is not as important as it used to be. In a nutshell, is the home page PR helpful even if your link is on an internel page? How important is the text surrounding the link and is it a "keyword" relevance issue? Is the anchor text still very important? And finaly, how will a link from a PR 0 site effect your rankings (should you not even bother with PR 0 links)?
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Paul Burkhardt
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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Hey Paul, honestly, that is the big debate with SEO LOL, you will get loads of differing ideas but the only ones who really know are Google employees and wont spill the beans.

that said, my own opinion is that Anchor text is one of the most important linking factors, but PR is pretty much a bust. So many people learned how to game the PR system that Google doesn't give it as much weight as they used to, although it does still count some.

I honestly don't pay much attention to PR.But, every new page on the web starts with PR0. although the page is PR0 now, doesnt mean it always will be. I have links that were PR0 when I got them that now have PR4 an up. All it takes is linking to those pages and getting their quality up in Google's eyes.

Don't worry so much about the PR of a site, as much as the quality of that site. Pr can always improve, but the over all quality of a site generally doesn't.

I also always recommend looking at the direct traffic those links will bring you. If I can get a link on a PR7 site that will bring me 5 visitors, or I can get a link on a PR0 site that will bring me 500 visitors, I will take the PR0 site every time.
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Some time ago I posted about Backlinks Phillipines "I have just tried Backlinks Phillipines (giving it a try for $16=40 postx5links each = 200)". I have tried one key work using only them, and it now ranks no 13 in Google. It is a 5400 search key work (broadmatch) with a 4 on Traffic Travis SEO rating. I have a number of others ranking in top 10 but here I used articles etc. - following Mark Ling's recommendations. You can Google them - easy to find.
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i think writing articles and spinning them is the best idea, i use the best spinner which is really good and fast. Also writing articles on highly rated websites like enzine and creating a blog on wordpress will help.
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I have been disappointed with my results from Ezine articles. I have written 11 of them (high quality articles) around July, and they all still have a PR of 0. A lot of people have viewed these articles, but the click through rate to my website has been very poor. The one plus has been that these articles have been syndicated quite a few times.

On the other hand, I submitted one (spun) article to another article directory and I got a surprise when I found that it had reached PR3. I am not sure why it has reached PR3 because there were no real links to the page, and a sample of other articles written by other people all had PR0. But I might submit another article to that site and see what happens.
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We've noticed that publishing press releases is a viable option for boosting SEO and overall visibility online. When you use a website like ours to post, you get a lot of SEO benefits like a unique URL based on your title, meta title and description based on your keywords, anchor text links in the body, custom alt image tag, etc...

The biggest benefit of publishing a press release, however, comes in the fact that your PR is often at the top of Google News for your keyword immediately. And, it has staying power (depending on your competition.) Having your published PR ranking well for your targeted terms simply gives people yet another way to find you and your business online.

There is a misconception that a press release needs to be BIG news. It's true that a PR needs to have a news angle -- but publishing an online press release puts you in the editorial chair. You can announce a new blog post, a website redesign, a special promotion, new product, etc...

We have many large SEO firms that publish releases on our site weekly for their clients. You may want to consider adding some PRs into your SEO campaign and see how you like them. :)
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Tara Geissinger
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If your looking for blogs to post on. The google toolbar has a really neat button that specifically searches for blogs for a given search phrase. You should be able to activate it right from your computer toolbar. It's a green rectangle that looks like a text cloud from a comic strip.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
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yep, I use Google Blog search. I also have about a 15 min video showing 10 different tactics that I use for finding blogs to follow, without relying on Google Blog search.

the problem with Google Blog search is that, unlike the basic search, It is based off of feeds and latest posts rather than quality. you can sift through 1000s of crap article blogs like AMA network blogs and spammy article submission sites that happen to be built on wordpress before seeing any good blogs that you can actually get some benefit from.

However, there are tons of Blog communities such as Blog Engage, Blokube, and BlogInteract that you can use to find blogs that are ripe for commenting and even guest posting. I also browse the niche forums checking signature files for links. there are loads of bloggers using forums to promote their blogs (hmmm.... kinda like I do here...)

Lately, I have been using a new content curation tool as well, and it not only helps find blog posts to curate, but I also subscribe to their feeds via google reader so that I can stay up to date on their latest posts.
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Last edited by jmpruitt on 24 Sep 11 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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This may sound like a dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway...

Are you asking for people to click through to your site in your bio? I haven't checked in a while because I haven't really been using EZA, but I know that was one of the most common mistakes people would make is to have a "boring" bio that did little to ask people to click through.

I never used the generic "one size fits all" bios. I always wrote a new bio for each article I submitted. That way, I could focus my clicks.

If I had an article about reading guitar chord charts (for example), my bio would say something like:

"Now that you know how to read a chord chart, learn the common guitar chords at MyGuitarSite."

Where "common guitar chords might be my keyword. I usually never had a problem getting articles approved with these two links, one to the common guitar chords page and one to the MyGuitarSite home page (this is just as an example, not an actual site of mine). I think, last time I remember checking, on the 12 or so articles I had in EZA, I was getting around a 10% click through rate.

If you are introducing a topic with your article but have a more detailed description at your site, you could say something like

"To learn more about _____, you can visit _____ where I explain..."

Then, under this you can put your name and copyright date (if you choose on the latter).

I don't use EZA much anymore, but if I were, this is how I would do it.
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Wow... I hadn't been to EZA in a while, so after my last post, I thought I'd check it out... Apparently, an article I wrote 3 years ago has nearly 1200 views on it... Something I hadn't suspected, since 1.) I never really pushed traffic to it, and 2.) Was one of my original 10.

Anyway, the average click through dropped a bit to around 8%, but, considering I haven't done much writing there in so long, I hadn't given it much thought. Some articles have about 15% click through and others have next to nothing, but the average of all of them is around 8%.

Unfortunately, although I would like to change the link to my main site I'm promoting now, I can't because it's using a "pseudonym", which isn't on the site I'm promoting. Oh well :D Would have been a great one... But then, maybe I might can figure out how to take advantage of it in a way that EZA will approve of ;)
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Hi All

its not easy but also not impossible to get higher PR backlinks. I tried number of sites to have a higher PR backlinks but they didn.t help me. for last one year i am trying this site http://SeoDataService.com which helped me a lot in getting high PR backlinks at a best and fast rate.
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Hey Easyrider

How long are your articles?
I find that no matter how well written a article may be, if it is too long people tend to not read it all the way to the end. If they don't see the end of the article they will not see the link to your site. I keep my article's to no more than 800 words "MAX". 500-600 words is ideal as people will usually read it to the end and they will see your link.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
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Lately I have been just buying links and link packs at fivrr and the warrior forum.

It cost money but I am really moving up in the ranks fast for a couple of really profitable terms in the drop shipping niche. Hope to make my money back really fast when I get them to the top.

I am talking about terms that cost over 50 bucks on PPC.

Hey I haven't really checked into this, as I just discovered it this morning but looks promising a far as getting relevant links on blogs. (hopefully some with high PR) It is like a guest blogger meet up place.
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JC Dean
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faradina wrote:Hi Mark, try the britannica blog. I do not think they allow links in the body of the comment but the website link on the name of the comment poster is a follow link. The trick there is to find a post that has high pr and is related to your niche/website, and put in a high quality comment.

Yeah Britannica is a good one to try but very hard to get accepted on.
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mark schaaf
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Hi guys, thanks for all the great ideas. One of the things I do a lot is make comments on forums. I go to forums in my niche and give people who asks questions good and relevant answers. I try not to do this too much because you can't put in anchor words. You're supposed to use a name when filling in the info section where you can put your web sites address. It doesn't seem to hurt getting links with my name as the anchor text but i know it would be much better if it the word was something relevant to where I am sending them.
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good quality relevant to niche backlinks surely help to bosst SERP ranking, search engines like relevant quality content backlinks.
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Get PR6 Backlinks http://tinyurl.com/8x6urot
10 PR4, 4 PR5, 1 PR6 http://tinyurl.com/8x6urot
High PR2 - PR6 Quality Backlinks http://backlinks.thetextilelibrary.com
Fiverr Exclusive Blog Commenting Service http://fiverr.com/blogcommenting
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Took me out happy to read this comment. You are really good job, things are happen in the world elegant nice post. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
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With high PR Forum posting and blog commenting techniques we get backlinks.
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