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Whats your experience with Article Marketing Automation?

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Whats your experience with Article Marketing Automation?

Hello all!

I have published 2 articles on AMAutomation. The first was on 10/2, the second was on 10/6. So after 5 days I have had my article distributed 31 times, with a 100% acceptance rate. When I select the 'Rankings' button, the system reports 'The system has not yet extracted any links from your articles, or none of your links are ranking in Google yet. Please check back later.' With the free version of traffic travis, I do not yet have any rankings for any of my keywords (3 to 4-word keywords, niche-specific... I'm not looking to rank for 'doctor' or anything).

A few things I'm hoping others could share, as this is my first time using AMA (and in fact, my first affiliate site) -

- What is your acceptance rate on AMA? As I said, I have 100% so far... Tells me I may be going a bit heavy on the rewriting if it's never rejected. Obvious 100% is a great thing, but I want to have my rewrite percentage as low as possible to get 100% acceptance, otherwise I'm wasting some efforts rewriting.

- What rewrite percentage are you getting up to? My two are at about 175% and 300%... I may have been a bit OCD with the rewriting, as I mentioned, but maybe not.

- How quickly have you seen a rise in rankings after your articles start getting distributed via AMA? This presuming you HAVE seen a rankings boost :)

- How many times does an article you write get published via AMA? I'm sure this is niche-specific, but I'd love to hear about anyone's experience with it - 40 times? 10? 150?
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1. I rewrite every sentence 3 times. It's really tedious and spinning articles makes me want to blow my brains out. My acceptance rate is 100%.

2. My rewrite percentages are around 200%, but honestly I don't give that number much attention. An article can't really be more than 100% different.

3. I have 9 articles currently "live" in AMA. Only about 8 or so of the blog postings have been picked up by search engines so far. That's not really a lot of back links, so I haven't seen much a boost in rankings yet.

4. My oldest articles have been up since the beginning of September and they've been published about 20-22 times. It seems that the longer they're up, the slower they get re-published.

I seem to remember Mark or one of the other staff members saying that it should take about 2 or 3 months to really see the benefits of AMA though.
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My experience with AMA is positive and for this reason I actually have an article writing service that I offer where we do a 10x5 format on a 400-500 word article. My writers rewrite 10 sentences from the article 5 times each (Title included). This results anywhere from 110% up to 180% uniqueness. My own articles in AMA have acceptance rates of 98%-100%. I set my articles in AMA to publish unlimited times and this can be done because the 10x5 format has a huge number of spun versions. If you rewrite each sentence then it will probably have more spun versions but it depends on the number of times each sentence is rewritten. I have been with AMA I think for about 3-4 months. I did not see a jump in my SERP rankings but it is steady climb for all the pages that I have in 5 SEs (google, yahoo, msn, ask.com, altavista). My site is about 70% finished and is averaging 50 uniques a day. Check out this post where I show screenshots of my sites rankings only using Mr. K Strategy and AMA: https://www.affilorama.com/forum/seo/here-is-the-proof-that-mr-k-strategy-and-ama-works-t5227.html

I dont really care much about other numbers besides the SERP Rankings, volume of visitors to the site, hops and sales. I mean, at the end of the day we are here to make money. =)

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AMA focuses more on building up your backlinks progressively. If its too quick you can sometimes get tagged as a spam site - its better to build up those links over weeks rather than days.

Rewriting can definitely help to improve your acceptance rate but one of the main reasons you rewrite is to increase the chance of your article being ranked more times - the more it has been rewritten the more likely it will be discovered and ranked by Google, rather than being sent to the bottom of the results for being a duplicate of your article which has been published somewhere else.
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{[Mark|All,] do you [have|posses] [an opinion|a preference] on the [word|individual word] [rewriting|spinning|rotation] [combined|matched|paired] with [sentence|statement] [spinning|rotating] [vs|compared to] [just|simple] [sentence|statement] [spinning|rotation]~[Do you|Do you generally] [find it better|prefer] to [provide|run with] just a [few|handful of] [alternative|different] [sentences|statements], or do you [provide|choose to use] [alternative|several] [sentences|statements] [along with|in addition to] [rewritten|spun] words}?

Do you risk getting nailed for dups having whole 10-15 word sentences that are the same as from other articles, or will you avoid the dup hammer provided you do 3 or more alternatives? I rewrite my words furiously, but I'm wondering If I really need to....
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Those are great questions, unfortunately I am looking for answers and can't provide one. Anyone have any ideas?

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Last edited by michellerana on 03 Nov 09 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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The general rule with rewriting on AMA is the 3x3 rule which basically means you rewrite each sentence three times using different words in each line (for the major words anyway) without changing the original meaning of the sentence. This seems to be creating enough uniqueness in the article for it to have a better chance of being considered as unique and featured higher in the SERPs.

Exactly how search engines determine how unique an article is and to what depth they check individual sentences is still not fully understood but its important to change entire sentences and not just words like some cheap synonym spinners do.
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This topic was started on Oct 07, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
