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What is the Purpose of Social Bookmarking

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Joined: 16 Dec 09

What is the Purpose of Social Bookmarking

I know this question is very basic but I can't find a clear definitive answer. Why do people advocate this social bookmarking? What exactly does it do? Does it really matter?

This is probably covered somewhere that I've passed by numerous times but if someone can point me in the right direction with even a link, I would be grateful.
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Posts: 2
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The word from SEO experts suggests that Social Bookmarking does matter.

The idea being that to google this is social proof from 'real' people that your site/content is being viewed/recommended.

Now of course, social bookmarking can be automated, so I can not advise how google might tell the difference between automated and non-automated bookmarking.

Many people are driving traffic, or at least connecting their blogs to facebook and twitter to show to google that they have a social presence.

Not sure if this post helps: http://techbu.com/2011/08/23/social-bookmarking-with-google-plus

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Why You Will Fail to Make $100K in 2012 - http://www.my-money-mentor.com/affilorama-100k
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Social bookmarking sites are more frequently visited by search engines as a means of finding out either new or popular sites to record in their database. Hence, 3 popular uses of social bookmarks are:

1. Get a new site found by search engines faster
2. Increase the links to your website
3. Get the backlinks you build to your website found faster

Hope that helps,
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Posts: 119
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Awesome. Thanks for the info guys!
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Aside from the SEO benefits, social bookmarking sites, when using the social aspects can be a good source of direct traffic. If you are engaging in the social aspects with people related to your niche, this is where they get really powerful. They can bring loads of visitors to your sites especially if you start networking with influencial people in your niche.

For example, last week, I got over 300 visits from StumbleUpon to my blog through bookmarks and other people sharing my posts with their followers.

When it comes to anything social in nature, what others say about you is more important than what you say about yourself.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Social Bookmarking is one of the best Method in SEO.You can do it as free of cost.This Helps to get Traffic,backlinks,and page rank for your site.You can submit the site in Facebook,Twitter,Myspace and more Socail Bookmarking or networking sites.Get the list in Google search.I have used these steps for my sites.Finally i purchased the SEO service from www.thewebpole.com it helped to get Huge traffic and page rank.
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Posts: 69
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Social bookmarking as a way of getting traffic has kind of been superseded by Facebook like and share and stuff like that, but it doesn't mean that u can't get some benefit out of the links if you don't spent too much time getting them.
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Social bookmarking sites are a way to share links with people, but their main function is usually to create a do follow link for SEO purposes, and get your page indexed by Google faster.
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Posts: 22
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These are the benefits which I see :

Its a type of social signal ( Social signal matters a lots in these days)
Its a back link
Its a source of traffic...

The only thing is , No of spammy social bookmarking sites ( I take pligg sites into them) have increased a lot...so dont choose to have 1k bookmarks instead try to get 10 top bookmarks for your Story/URL...
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Some FREE Edu Links

Posts: 17
Joined: 03 Aug 12
social bookmarking is very useful in seo because by bookmarking our sites we are making google to index our site. Social bookmarking gives us valid backlinks. By bookmarking the websites in high page rank sites like stumbleupon, delicious, we can get good backlinks.

seo india
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