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what is the difference between bounce rate & dwell time ?

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what is the difference between bounce rate & dwell time ?

what is the difference between bounce rate & dwell time ?
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Posts: 10
Joined: 03 Jun 19
Bounce Rate: When a user visits your website and leaves from the page without visiting deeper into the site.
Dwell time: The amount of the time that passes between a user clicks a search result and consequently return back to search engine results page (SERP).

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Last edited by maryt on 11 Dec 19 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dwell time is Maximum time sent on a page, means more the visitor understood your content before taking another action. whereas, bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who navigated the page of your website and then leave after viewing fewer pages.
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The bounce rate is the proportion of persons who landed on your website, but instead of browsing further, they exited your website.
The amount of the time that passes between a user clicks a search result and consequently return back to search engine results page (SERP).
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Dwell time: It is the time which is calculated when people enter to your website from search engine & remains on your website & then go back to SERPs.

Bounce rate: The percentage of singleā€page sessions which means visitors who only visit one page on your website before leaving.In simple words the visitor come to your website & don't get the appropriate result & then land back to the search engine result page.
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Dwell time is the length of time a user spends looking at a site after they choose the link from the search engine results page, Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who visit a single page and leave your site without going to another page
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dwell time is a time of length, the visitor spends on your site after clicking your site link and leaves your site.
bounce rate, amount of visitors come on your site and just crawling on your page, cannot buy your services then go back to SERP. google note that and rank your site on behalf of it that visitor comes on your site but cannot buy anything and go back to the search engine result page.
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It's the first time in my life I have discovered what is dwell time actually, do you have some other options for that matter or not? I am not getting anything really done there. Is it really that matter for searc engine optimisation or do we have other options as well?
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Image result for bounce rate and dwell time
Dwell time is the length of time a user spends looking at a site after they select the link from a SERP, before going back to the SERP. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who visit one page and then click on any other page on or off your site.
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