24 Sep 11 8:43 am
2 weeks ago, I started doing 20 comments a day, like my brother, at least 6 days a week.
I checked my stats today. In the month of July (prior to what I've done in the last 2 months, for a more pure comparison), I got 120 unique visitors to visit my site a total of 140 times. (Remember, this is when I was being inconsistent with my commenting... some days I'd do it, some days, I didn't.)
In just 2 weeks of this commenting on sites every day (and, with perhaps a little of this affected by switching to a true blog), I've had 215 unique visitors visit 267 time. That's almost double
in half the time.
My point, here, is that I have
consistently been doing 20 links a day. Not just once a week, or when I felt like it. Some days, it's been hard to get that in. (If for some reason, I didn't get a full 20 in one day, I'd do extra the next day or two to offset). But by putting forth consistent effort, I'm starting to get where I want to go.
I haven't talked much about traffic in my posts in part because I was embarrassed I wasn't doing better. Most of where I have commented on have been areas that I had begun feeling comfortable doing (like keyword research) or already had knowledge prior to staring here (like on images and coding issues). But I knew it was my lack of effort more than any other reason as to why I hadn't yet had more success. When i started putting forth the effort, I started seeing results.
I now have a list of 30 or 40 other blogs I follow in the various aspects of my site, and I try to add 5 more every day so that I keep growing beyond just those who know me now.
Now that I'm getting my name and my work (as seen on my site) known a bit, I plan on starting to guest post more often like my brother describes. I know from just the couple of guest posts I've done here that I can see a bump in traffic. I would expect to see a similar bump from other popular sites.
I've followed a lot of my brother's tips on SEO, and when I checked my stats earlier, I think I had 8 or 9 keywords (not including my site name or my name) on the first page with another 5 or 6 on page 2. So just a minimal amount of proper keyword research and a healthy dose of action on building relationships can go a long way to bringing traffic to your site.