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Using squidoo under a marketting identity

Posts: 9
Joined: 12 Mar 10

Using squidoo under a marketting identity

Hi guys.

I'm just wondering about the best way to use squidoo for affiliate sites. I guess I have two options:

A) Create an account under a seperate id for each affiliate campaign.

B) Create a single identity, and issue (quality) content related to each campaign from that single identity.

Option B seems like less work to me. Is that an ok way to do things?
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Posts: 1895
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IMHO, option A is better. With option B, the question about how one single person can know so much about so many things could come up, specially if your campaigns are diverse.

I hope that helps :)
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Site Admin
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If your niches are different, it would be best to create separate IDs. Make sure that you promote more than one product per account so that it doesn't look like your only purpose is to drive traffic to one site. It is recommended that you have no more than two links to your own site per lens and that you don’t link every lens that you create to the same website.
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I'd like to extend my question a little.

Other then squidoo, there are a number of sites that allow you to publish articles that you can use to promote your campaigns. Again, the problems of multiple identity management come to mind.

For the purposes of SEO, it seems to make sense to create a single identity, or maybe a couple of identities on a site and issue articles from that identity (or identities).

It seems to me that the credibility and authority of the identity would increase over time, because it wouldn't be abandoned as you moved on to promoting another campaign.

I guess there is the practicle issue as well: if I build up to a dozen campaigns, then handling all the different identities across multiple sites could become a major headache.

How do people who are good at this game handle this problem?
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This topic was started on Nov 17, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
