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Trusted Sites Tool - sites are not commentable on

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Joined: 30 Nov 09

Trusted Sites Tool - sites are not commentable on

I just joined as a premium member and as a professional SEO for a number of years just starting to get into affiliate stuff I was super excited to get in and play with the tools. I ran a report using the trusted sites tool to check it out and build some links right off the bat. Well none of the sites that came out of the report allow commenting so there is nowhere to build links from it!

I really hope that the tool works as promised as I am and was a bit leary about joining this site as there are many scams out there. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. Here are a few sample URLs from my report.

(broken link removed)
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Last edited by sydney on 27 Apr 10 4:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: improve title to describe post better, broken link removed

Site Admin
Posts: 102
Joined: 13 Jun 06
Hi algoholic

Firstly, welcome and good to have you onboard. With the Trusted Sites tool it will occasionally pickup sites that aren't commentable on but over time it will improve and learn these sites so they don't keep popping up.

If you try a few different queries you will start to get more sites that are commentable on.

Best bet is to run 3-4 reports on works in that niche so you have a few to go through, this should this give you alot more commetnablet site.

Feel free to PM me your search phrases and I can take a look if still unsure.

Take care.
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Algoholic... I just had to say that is a great handle lol
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Site Admin
Posts: 102
Joined: 13 Jun 06
New updates to the Trusted Sites tool have been released.

1) You can now search specifically for blogs or forums rather than getting both if you only want one.
2) We have added "exact" and "broad" match queries for people wanting specific/relevant pages to their niche.

You can access the tool and the new features here:


Enjoy :)
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This topic was started on Dec 01, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
