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Traffic Travis backlink checker not working

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Joined: 16 Dec 09

Traffic Travis backlink checker not working

Hey guys. Over the last few days my Traffic Travis backlink check hasn't worked. I read something about Yahoo and Bing merging. Is this why TT can't find the backlinks?

Is TT going to be updated soon so we can use the backlink check again? I've been using majesticseo to check my total links but I liked how TT would show how many we had that were.edu and .gov as well as how many PR1, PR2, etc. we had.
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Recently the Yahoo Site Explorer stopped working due to the Bing merger so that could be part of the problem. TT tech support would know more. Have you tried contacting them?
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Traffic Travis' backlink tools has been affected by the shutting down of Yahoo Site Explorer last Tuesday.

Our developers are currently working on this issue. This task have a high priority and a fix for this will be released soon.

We're very sorry for the inconvenience. Please let us know if you have other concerns.
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I think you can check backlinks buy other tools , just try this tool: siteexplorer.info. then you may sure what is the problem.
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This topic was started on Nov 25, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
