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Subdomains for Google ranking

Posts: 24
Joined: 30 Nov 09

Subdomains for Google ranking

Hi everyone,

As far as I know it is really good if you can get your primary keyword in URL - that much is pretty obvious. My question is: how does Google rank subdomains for keyword ranking.

I managed to get a pretty good (in fact, considering how competed the market I'm going for is) URL for my sale site, but I'd like to get the URL even better. So would it help me if, instead of having my URL read


Have it read like this



Simply keep it simple and go


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi Markus,
I think you will find this post interesting.

Either way is fine in my opinion, but you may want to read the post above as well.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Troy,

It seems that it the other aspects of SEO and traffic getting are more important than keyword stuffing the URL.

Markus :-)
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Character is what is left when Charisma is all used up
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Probably best to have a keyword in there but not go crazy.
Also another thing is... just say Google down the track change their algorithm ( Again )
and penalize sites with keyword stuffed domains... then you may not be a happy camper, not saying this will happen though.
I think it is ok to have...
www . keyword.com/otherkeyword (page url )
I tend to shy away from...
www . otherkeyword.keyword.com ( subdomain )

Anyway.. just my 2 cents.
Everyone is different.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault

This topic was started on Dec 03, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.