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Seo For My Blog

Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07

Seo For My Blog

ok, at the start of 2009 i built a website and shortly after that i created a blogger blog (blogspot) (same niche)

i have a total of about 18 post on my blog (i really dont blog very often) the blog is mostly pushing the readers to my website, but i do have a few short product review post with aff links.

any way a few days ago i did another blog post and noticed my pr is 1/10 for my blog but my website is still 0/10
i am always adding and updating my website with content and articles and the blog was sort of a support for the main website and i really did not think to much about it. but it has a pr.

So, now im thinking about blogging more and doing more review type post
my question is how do i do good seo on a blog? do i try to optimize the post with the kw i want to rank for?

another quick question is how could my blogs pr go up if i hardly ever do any post?
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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Nates,
If you have installed the all in one SEO pack for wordpress then that is a great start for the blog.
The same SEO principles apply to blogs as they do to regular sites.
So keep doing what you have learnt here at Affilorama.
The blog could have a higher PR for a few reasons, hard to tell without stats etc..
Your main site links to your blog so will be passing some PR rank to the blog.
Now, I know your main site has no PR but if you get sites with no PR linking back to 1 blog, then I have seen those blogs go up to PR1 and others stay as they are, weird I know!... but this is Google we are dealing with..lol
Also, does the blog have anyone linking to it?

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
I don't know if i can use (the all in one SEO pack for wordpress) because its a blogger blog

the blog does not have any followers and has only had about 40 views total in 1 year
as far as links the only links i have on there are only links to my website and to affiliate products

i also have a link on my website to my blog
i just thought it was odd that the blog has so little post but has a pr1 because like i said
i have been more concernd with my website than the blog.
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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Ahh, blogger..ok
It may have to do with Google actually owning blogger.com.
Hmm, all I can say is... Google is a strange beast sometimes.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault
Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
well im really sick of ppc (i make sales but not a profit) so i want to learn more about seo and start doing more of it.
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Posts: 869
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I certainly know how you are feeling Nates, it takes some time to really learn PPC and make a profit from it.
Some people get lucky and seem to have a profitable campaign right off the bat and others it can take months.
PPC should only be 10% of your traffic or income source if you ask me.
Especially with Google deleting adwords accounts just because they don't like what you are advertising or they sneeze one day and press the delete button.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault
Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
well in reality i think i have a pretty good campaign going (9%-17% daily ctr) and no google problems to speak of-it just sucks how one week you can have 3 sales than go 3 weeks without a sale.

if it was consitaint i would be making a profit-

i guess PPC is like a frozen lake you can always try walking across it but your not guaranteed to make it.
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