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SEO blogs excluded for indexing by Google Search Console?

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Joined: 11 Oct 17

SEO blogs excluded for indexing by Google Search Console?

Dear Affiliate marketeers,

Since a while I have an affiliate blog targeted at the Dutch market. And it has been steadily growing in organic search results the past year, and I never encountered any problems regarding indexing of the website. I now have over 100 blogs and had around 8000 unique visitors a month (which is quite nice for my niche).

However for some reasons I cannot understand Google decided to exclude some good ranking blogs. As a result traffic dropped down with almost 40% in one week.

Some of these blogs are Excluded as page with redirect and some are Excluded as crawled - but currently not indexed.

Now I cannot make anything of this, important to know is
- I have a regular wordpress website with a simple theme, I rarely adjust any settings and link structure has always been the same
- I noticed some of these blogs are already excluded around may 2018. But more recently (beginning of may 2019) a few more and high ranking blogs where added. Almost all the important blogs are added to the category crawled - but not indexed.
- It concerns blogs that are published in 2017, 2018 en 2019, which have not been adjusted or edited after publishing.
- It seems some blogs are still shown in the search results, despite being classified as excluded, while some other blogs are not show at all (0 views, 0 click)
- Oddly enough, I can see various blogs still in the search results (even while I am not logged in) while Google claims they are not show in the search results. (0 views, 0 clicks)
- It seems since yesterday Google also claims some blogs are blocked by Robots.txt. However Robots.txt is not blocking anything, I double checked.

I ofcourse tried to inspect the URL's in the GOogle search console to find out what is the problem. However without exception I get the below messages.
When I try to inspect live it says indexingrequest rejected. Sometimes it says 'something went wrong, if the problem persists, try again in a few hours.'
After that the live URL inspection does not give any info about the indexing state of the website or why there is a problem.

I hope my questions is a clear; TLDR; Google excluding blogs from indexing suddenly without any particulair reason (no settings adjusted or anything adjusted for that matter).

I hope you guys can give me some advise as where to look to find and solve the problem.

Edit: This is my current Robots.txt
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
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Posts: 105
Joined: 20 Dec 18
Check webmaster search console for any issues.Normally any penalty can be check in webmaster.
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Posts: 109
Joined: 16 Jan 19
I haven't read the whole topic, when I have read something like "I now have over 100 blogs and had around 8000 unique visitors a month (which is quite nice for my niche)." I litterally stopped reading further at all, why do you have so little traffic to so many blogs ? ;)
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Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Oct 17
andy123 wrote:Check webmaster search console for any issues.Normally any penalty can be check in webmaster.

I have already checked that, there are currently no messages.

untheri wrote:I haven't read the whole topic, when I have read something like "I now have over 100 blogs and had around 8000 unique visitors a month (which is quite nice for my niche)." I litterally stopped reading further at all, why do you have so little traffic to so many blogs ? ;)

You're comment is not very helpfull. I suppose it is Good for you that you have apparently more visitors per blog then I have. But as I said I am satisfied with the number of visitors on my website. Maybe you could consider reading the entire post next time?
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Posts: 90
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Untheri probably means here that your blogs is very low quality if you still have something like 80 or so visitors per month per each blog, it should be like 10 blogs and 800 visitors a month to each in average for them to start ranking somewhat good;)
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Posts: 42
Joined: 10 Aug 18
A list of Problems That Cause Indexing Issues:
1. Start with the Sitemap
2. Nofollow/Noindex
3. Robots.txt
4. Crawl Errors
5. Duplicate Content
6. Manual Penalty
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Responsive Website Design
Posts: 113
Joined: 17 Feb 19
For now you need to own the website in order to confirm it within google search console, otherwise anything will not help you anyway. For any possible reasons out there. I am not making that much explanation for probability of this issue with free website builders, so hopefully we'll get it done for that!
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This topic was started on May 19, 2019 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
