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SEO Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

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SEO Benefits Of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

I believe AMP pages are made to be faster. Surely, everybody is talking about big publishers at this stage but I believe there is the benefit in AMPing your website irrespective of it being a news or blog site because the ultimate goal of AMP is to make pages lighter and faster. I believe you will have the edge if you apply it and can rank better than 'heavier' pages that your competition with the same type of website has.

I am working on making my website AMP. I have only completed it to about 20% in design but I am spending a lot of time on ensuring that my website has AMP version running.
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Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is going and has been imagined to have two advantages for SEO. One is it will possess a “Fast” name name on search engine results pages, and also the other is the fact that it'll be considered a ranking factor. Concerning much of the component, that's yet to be seen.
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Con you please tell about AMP..!! I don't know about it much.. If you can then please tell the abbreviation :)

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The long term goal is for AMP to work with all published content, including news articles, videos, photographs, and GIFS. Currently, the WordPress plugin only helps transfer posts into AMP HTML, not pages. Therefore if you are a blogger, or publish content on a regular basis, you will definitely benefit from AMP. Plus, you will have a big advantage of being ahead of the game, since only 23% of SEO’s have implemented it so far, according to an exclusive study conducted by SEO PowerSuite.
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Thanks for sharing this. I am very much interested now. All the very best.
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Search Engine Optimization Benefits of AMP: Quickened Cellular Pages

While AMP pages will enrich the user experience that is mobile, it may also be a huge advantage to your promotion and Search Engine Optimization. Below are the reasons:

1. The biggest reason AMP content can get an SEO boost is because these pages appear on the Google News carousel – which can be given precedence above-the-fold placement on mobile searches.

Therefore, being featured as an AMP page means more attention; you could be certain that as an increasing number of businesses sign up to publish their content, the more important it'll be for you to be around the AMP network.

2. Loading time is an important aspect in your SERP position; not to mention, your average mobile user won’t wait for a lot more than six seconds for a page. Thus, the quicker your page, the higher you rank as well as the more your content gets seen.

It goes without saying that posts will be given a boost in results by AMP pages, and the chances are that Google’s future updates will prioritize mobile, with Mobilegeddon hanging on the head of marketers -friendly media even more.

3. Bounce rate: Not only will speed have your readers for longer staying in your page, but it will help lessen your bounce rate. A low bounce rate helps validate to search engines that your pages offer the things they say they say offer and that your audience finds them helpful while it may well not function as the most crucial SEO ranking factor.

Focus on AMP for the articles and blog content, and you’ll begin to see your reader retention rates soar.
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What’s the Difference Between AMP and Non-AMP Mobile Browsing?
One of the starkest differences is that AMP pages does not have a lot of stuff for a more complex user experience. Everything is stripped-down.

AMP forces you to use a streamlined version of CSS.
Javascript is not allowed at all – in fact, I’m still trying to figure out how to make share buttons appear on my AMP pages.
You are forced to use an off-the-shelf Javascript library that AMP provides you with – which forces your images to lazy load.
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Posts: 24
Joined: 18 Jul 17
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is out and has been speculated to have two benefits for SEO. One is it will have a “Fast” label designation on search engine results pages, and the other is that it will be a ranking factor. As to how much of a factor, that is yet to be seen. It will take you through what AMP is and how you can use it to benefit your site’s mobile visitors.
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