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Search Engine Penalties and Recoveries

chris jamison
Posts: 7
Joined: 02 Nov 15

Search Engine Penalties and Recoveries


I have heard about many search engine penalties and recoveries,

can anyone put some light on it? as I'm really confused what these are..

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The (Google) penalties are about how you do bad SEO on your website. If you do bad SEO or popularly known as black hat techniques, chances are you will most likely receive a penalty or worst, your website will get banned from SERPs.

There are a lot of penalties to date and most of the time these are constantly updated. It's best if you can follow this blog link here to get yourself informed and updated of the existing and latest penalties: http://searchengineland.com/library/goo ... -penalties

As for recovering from Google's penalty, you can refer to this blog here: http://www.robbierichards.com/seo/ident ... e-penalty/
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chris jamison
Posts: 7
Joined: 02 Nov 15
Maryt, thanks for the articles, they are great)
What do you read to stay up-to-date?
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Hi Jad,

I have a list of blogs and forums that I follow. I often read Moz, Search Engine Land, Black Hat World, and Warrior Forum :)
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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there are lots of penalties apply by google for your spamming site. google appply when your site not able to provide proper information for users which is search in google.
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Google uses penalties against your site in general when you use bad ways to promote your website like black hat SEO.
Penalties vary from small ones to getting you banned from SERPs like Mary stated above my post.

Some of the most known black hat SEO techniques that should be avoided are:
- keyword stuffing
- invisible text
- doorway pages
- added unrelated keywords to your pages
- page swapping
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Sites that get penalized by Google’s Panda algorithm get hit for one of two reasons: thin content, or duplicate content. This means that your web pages are not very descriptive, informative, or are copies of other pages on your site (or worse, other websites). This kind of penalty is the easier one to recover from, as it’s controlled internally and Google’s updates occur more frequently. We’ll begin recovery by doing thorough keyword research, determining the needed focus for your web pages. We can then generate quality content and make sure each page is properly optimized and hitting all the marks of a good web page according to Google’s standards. Just a note: we don’t recommend content written for the sole purpose of hitting on a certain keyword, but rather informative, quality pages that are useful for your customers – these will, over time, be the best web pages for your customers and ultimately, the search engines.
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I would like to add that you can recover from these penalties if you repair your website and submit a reconsideration report to Google.
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denise taylor
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Hi Chris

I agree with the above, but would like to add that Google Quality Guidelines are the source for what is okay and/or not. Here's link to Google's policy page, but you should also keep an eye out for updates.

https://support.google.com/webmasters/a ... 5769?hl=en

Don't spam and don't break the rules and you should be fine.
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Denise Taylor
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A Negative impact on your website's performance in SERP is known as Google penalty, based on algorithms updates and/or manual review. Basically, there are two types of Google penalties-

1) Manual Action- An action that is taken by a person from Google team against a website because of some suspicions activities. Google informs the website owners that your site has been penalized with the reason.

2) Algorithmic penalty- This is because of Google algorithm updates like penguin and panda.
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