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Real-Time Penguin 4.0 algorithm update (A MUST READ)

Posts: 216
Joined: 26 Jun 09

Real-Time Penguin 4.0 algorithm update (A MUST READ)

Hello everyone.
You probably all have heard about Google's up-coming Real-Time Penguin 4.0 algorithm that we can expect within the next few weeks. It will certainly be a game changer. If you are building links to your websites "STOP" and read this article several times before you continue. You may be building links that will spell disaster for your sites. I don't like to be the bringer of bad news but you MUST read this.
Here's the link. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/seo-2016-building-fundamentals-145300406.html

Comments welcome.
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Site Admin
Posts: 3224
Joined: 16 Apr 12
Hi Paul,

Nice share :)

The real time update of Penguin 4.0 will completely redefine how we do SEO. This will totally eliminate old linkbuilding (spammy) tactics. There will be a huge change in how we build backlinks. I think that the off-page SEO techniques will be more about "branding" and "online reputation", meaning we take into huge consideration our content and our target market, specifically meeting their needs and thinking how they will respond to our content.

If Penguin 4.0 will be successful in terms of accuracy, SEO will be less technical and more about studying how our market responds to our content.
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Thanks for sharing the article with us.
The new update will be a breath of fresh air for us people who are struggling to use just the white hat techniques.
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denise taylor
Posts: 9
Joined: 08 Jan 16
Great article! It is so good to see more and more of this type of advice, especially from high-profile sites. I think some people either really don't believe it, or they sell services to people who don't know better.

It's harder, but a cleaner, higher-quality Internet space is best for everyone.
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Denise Taylor
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Posts: 105
Joined: 10 Jun 15
Greate article. Thanks for sharing. I am so excited about real time penguin.
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Posts: 216
Joined: 26 Jun 09
Hello all.
I'm glad to see so many people seeing this article. I read it and felt that it needed to be shared right away. I can't be sure but I think this new change will practically force people to create extremely high quality content to encourage totally natural links which seems to be Google's ultimate goal. I might be a bit bold in saying so but I think we may be seeing SEO becoming a very limited pursuit at best.

I myself am shifting gears from spending lots of time on SEO to spending MUCH more time on research. Finding little competition keyword phrases that have weak sites at the top that I may make a much better site which will work its way up on its own with very little SEO and gets just enough search volume to be able to turn a profit.

This will be slow going for sure. Please share any other ideas if you got them.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Dec 15
Thanks for sharing your opinion. It is very useful for me.
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