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Ranked #2 on 1st page using Squidoo. How do I get to #1?

Posts: 27
Joined: 30 Nov 09

Ranked #2 on 1st page using Squidoo. How do I get to #1?

Hi guys, currently I have a squidoo lens that is ranked number 2 in the us for my choosen keyword. in all the other countries I am number 1. On some days I am number 1. I have made so far $583.00 on 4 sales with this lens. :)

It took a awhile to get this lens spot and to be honest I really don't know how I get up there. All I did was follow the OWM blueprint. Anyway, How can I knock off this guy for the number 1 spot permanently?

Should I submit articles and link to my lens for about 4 article directory? Need advice please.

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Last edited by michellerana on 04 Feb 10 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title to describe the post better

Posts: 28
Joined: 26 Nov 09
That's what I would do. Submit a few spun articles to AMA and have the anchor text linked to your lens.
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Posts: 27
Joined: 30 Nov 09
Thanks...I did that two days ago and I see more traffic already.
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Posts: 28
Joined: 26 Nov 09
What's the OWM Blueprint?
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Posts: 74
Joined: 24 Nov 09
bartko09 wrote:What's the OWM Blueprint?

One Week Marketing
This is a click bank prodcut that shows you how to use the power of squidoo to set up high ranking pages. This book is great for beginers and can help you bring in your first couple of bucks. I always suggest this book to people but I also let people know that this is not a long term business plan. Affiloblueprint is my #1 choice for long term sites. OWM will get you started though, I made nearly $200 my first month and I continue to get sales from those sites. When you have your own site you just need to keep up with SEO strategies but if you only relay on squidoo you would lose everything if google decides they don't like them anymore or if the site gets sold or changes.

Curtis1974 wrote:Hi guys, currently I have a squidoo lens that is ranked number 2 in the us for my choosen keyword. in all the other countries I am number 1. On some days I am number 1. I have made so far $583.00 on 4 sales with this lens. :)

It took a awhile to get this lens spot and to be honest I really don't know how I get up there. All I did was follow the OWM blueprint. Anyway, How can I knock off this guy for the number 1 spot permanently?

Should I submit articles and link to my lens for about 4 article directory? Need advice please.


When I want to bump my squidoo pages w/o a lot of effort I simply grab PLR articles from the affiliate section of the product page... I spin a few words w/magic article rewriter then submit them with magic article directory submitter and submit them to Free Traffic System.

Takes about 2 weeks ... normally my page will drop down a few spots then the next week I'm #1.

I also check the PR of my squidoo lenses on a regular basis. If I have ones with PR 2-5 I will make a section at the bottom of them "link list" and head it "More articles by this author" and juice that page for back links on a few sites (don't go crazy just add maybe 3)

Hope that helps :P

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