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Question For Mark On The WP Plugin Tool For Backlinks

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Joined: 21 Jun 09

Question For Mark On The WP Plugin Tool For Backlinks

Hi Mark,

I received your email about that WP Plugin that is supposed to help your site with backlinks and I'm wondering if it will work for our static sites (affilo-blueprint style)? As I understand it it tries to find relevant blogs by way of "tags" and from there does its thing for getting the backlinks. Wondering if it will do the same thing for our meta keywords on the static pages.

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It would only work for posts on a Wordpress blog.
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Posts: 7
Joined: 25 Apr 09
What's the name of the plugin?

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Posts: 29
Joined: 30 Nov 09
The name of the plugin is Deep Link Engine https://www.affilorama.com/redirect/deepplugin

Problem though if any one can help. Downloaded from Marks link (above) installed as per instructions on the site, but when I went to install had a fatal error come up. On checking the comments on the site a few others had the same problem & apparently means that the host being used is not running php 5 which is a requirement for it to work.
I am using the hosting here at affilorama, bit of a contradiction if a recommended plugin does not work on the hosting provided here.
Any solutions would be welcome, as would like to get it going.

Thank you
Steven :))
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Ok, I got it installed, activated and used it on a post. No what?

I have noticed that some post are not showing any track backs in that window just below the deep link grid. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
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You can switch to PHP 5 through the AffiloHost cPanel. Under "web tools" there's an option to switch PHP versions. Click that and switch to 5.

Unfortunately it comes with PHP 4 by default.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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bizbop wrote:Hi Mark,

I received your email about that WP Plugin that is supposed to help your site with backlinks and I'm wondering if it will work for our static sites (affilo-blueprint style)? As I understand it it tries to find relevant blogs by way of "tags" and from there does its thing for getting the backlinks. Wondering if it will do the same thing for our meta keywords on the static pages.


Can anyone tell me a) how Deep Link engine works -do you have to select posts you want to get trackbacks from or does it do it automatically? I looked at dome of the tags it was listing -one was "href", the other was "Time" i.e NOTHING to do with my post! Not very encouraging!

b) what is the advantage of having it compared to, say, Market Samurai's Promotion tab feature which comes up with all the posts/Social Media articles etc etc related to yr keyword AND gives you their PR and whether they Are Do Follow or not and whether they allow pingbacks

(I have installed Deep Link Engine on my WP Blog after reading MArk who said it was useful but am wondering if I should have )
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