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Question about link building and subdomains

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Joined: 24 Nov 09

Question about link building and subdomains

So say I have a new site... example 'http://www.supercoolsite.com' and I building 20 pages on that site... so now I have 'http://www.supercoolsite.com/about' me and other sub-domain extensions. When I go to build some off site SEO should I try and build back links for ALL my subdomains or will It work if I just build them for 'http://www.supercoolsite.com' ... also ... when trying to get crawled and ranked should I ping all my subdomains or just my main one?

Thanks for the help! : )
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I am a newbie and am still learning the lingo of Web Development. But it seems that I have got most of it wrong :(
I had an idea that sub-domains are of this format - subdomainname.domainname.com, but you mention 'www.supercoolsite.com/about' to be a sub-domain. Did I get the information wrong.
I have no intentions of commenting on your post but would like to clarify my doubts. Hope I am not wrong.
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Last edited by michellerana on 04 May 10 1:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: removed http as link only used for illustration and not actual link

Posts: 14
Joined: 24 Aug 09
Hey Guys,

I believe that subdomainname.domainname.com is a subdomain and supercoolsite.com/about is an adon-domain.

When you are building a site with xsitepro for instance when you add a new page it generally shows up as an adon-domain.

supercoolsite.com/about Each page will have a different extension at the end of your primary domain.

Tangoshoes -

You should definitely link to all of your pages and not just your homepage. If I remember right from affiloblueprint if you had 100 backlinks. 30 would go to your main domain and the rest should be spread around. That is with a 30 page site, or blog.

Maybe someone could back me up on both answers, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Have a great day.

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Last edited by ampie g on 08 Mar 10 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed http as link is only used as an illustration and not an actual link

Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
Ok, let's get this right:

1) When you asked about this: 'http://www.supercoolsite.com/about' the "about" is a folder on your website (this is not a sub-domain).

2) As for getting backlinks, you want to get backlinks to the home page 'http://www.supercoolsite.com' and to every single page of your site as well, whether it's in a folder or not (I mean like this: 'http://www.supercoolsite.com/coolpage.html')

I hope this helps,
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okie great! thanks for the info... yeah I got the lingo wrong... sorry for the confusion and thanks for the clarification!
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No need to be sorry...

Don't hesitate to ask whenever you are in troubles.

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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
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Thanks to you people for sharing the information. This is what I have liked at the forum - supportive and helping people from whom we can learn.
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