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Problems with Directory Submitter Software

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Problems with Directory Submitter Software

I got the software but it does not work in firefox,apparently.It never connects.I sent a support ticket and they said to make internet explorer my default but I do not want to do that. I dont like IE?How can I use firefox and still use this software? I still have not been able to use it once!!
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I don't like IE either, :idea: But it's a good idea to have it to check that your own websites can be viewed properly in both browsers, Because alot of people still use IE and if they can't see your site, you won't earn commissions.

Not sure about Submitter

Matt 8)
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Outsource it? :)

You can get people to submit to directories for a couple of dollars an hour, depending on your situation, it might be worth doing this.
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What software are you talking about?
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Adrian - Do you mean Directory Submitter?

(Obviously such a luminary as yourself doesn't mean Firefox!)

Came with the June Affilorama Update - RTFM . . . . LOL

I have the same problem and I have tried IE as well.
It says the site is loading then says it's done and when I restart the program tomorrow, there has been no submission.

I checked with a few of the directories the next day and a couple of days later and could see no evidence to show I had submitted my site. My site stats don't show any change or links.

I have raised a ticket with the software producer as well - will keep you posted.
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I Was just about to purchase that software when this issue was raised :shock:

Let us know what the support say...That would be great


Matt 8)
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Ahhh... that one... nope... I don't have any issues with it at all... wish I could help you out there.... that's what their support is for :)
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I got a reply - "Click twice left on the directory you want to submit to and it will open in the lower pane."

Jeeze! Hellooooo!
I attached a screenshot that shows the directory loading but no page change in the lower pane. (For it to be loading I must have clicked twice).

I went back to the helpdesk and the ticket I raised has vanished - they assume it was solved - (Ahhh if life was REALLY that simple) - so I raised another one (as Churchill said Never, never, never give up!)

Also I mentioned that the manual in pdf format says about filling out the menus but not what to do to submit it for listings.

So far the outcome is - if you are designing any software - give it free to Affilorama people to prove it out - they will put up with inane helpdesk responses without threatening violence on your staff .....LOL

Will keep you posted
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They say it is the free basic version clashing with the Gold version and I need to uninstall the lot then reinstall the Gold version.

I did as their instructions said to uninstall it and installed the Gold version anew but same problem.
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Strange, my guy has no problems at all in using it. I wonder how many other people are having trouble with it.
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