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Problems with AMAutomation

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Problems with AMAutomation

I had problems about a month ago trying to access my AMAutomation account with my PC, it let me sign in on my MAC but not on the PC. I decided to try to change the password. They indicated that the new password was sent to my email address, but it never showed up.

Now I can't access the account at all and AMAutomation will not answer any of my emails for help. I have almost 20 articles spun on this site and I don't want to lose all of that. but it doesn't make any sense to pay them $47 a month for an account I cannot access.

Can anybody give me advice? What the hell did I do wrong that I can't even get these people to acknowledge me?


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they seem to be taking their time to reply to my ticket as well
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Taking their time?
I've put in multiple requests over the period of a month, I get nothing and have no access to my account. I finally told them to cancel my membership, and I've had no reply to that.

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Have you tried to call them?
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theyre pretty terrible for contacting via the tickets, ive had an urgent request go unnoticed
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To cancel your subscription, log into your paypal account. There is a tab to manage subscriptions, and you can cancel it from there.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Can Mark/Affilorama (or anyone else) suggest another service we can use besides AMA? When they are up, they seem to do a good job but between the site being down again and having a few tickets go unanswered, I am ready to explore other options. I have heard some good things about 'Submit Your Article'. Any feedback? Thanks everyone!
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Submit your articles is around for years and it's a good service. You can also spin your articles (they added this recently).

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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
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superaff wrote:Submit your articles is around for years and it's a good service. You can also spin your articles (they added this recently).


Can you write out the exact url so that i know that i am going to the correct site. Thank You.
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jbalcazar wrote:Can Mark/Affilorama (or anyone else) suggest another service we can use besides AMA? When they are up, they seem to do a good job but between the site being down again and having a few tickets go unanswered, I am ready to explore other options. I have heard some good things about 'Submit Your Article'. Any feedback? Thanks everyone!

I personally use Free Traffic System (link in sig). They are free to use. They do have a premium service as well but I don't find its needed. They work like AMA. Spin article, submits to blogs over time.
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Free AMA alternative:
Outsourcing for $200/mo 40hr/week:
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I just joined AMA and am encountering multiple problems.

I joined as a free member then upgraded. After logging in, the system tells me I need to upgrade in order to post articles!?

Next, it won't let me login and tells me my username is invalid.

Yep, they have major problems. Just hope I haven't kissed my $47 bucks goodbye. I'm unemployed!
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What is going on with these people!?! First, the site is down for several days last week and now it is telling me 'invalid credentials'. This is becoming a real problem and a very real frustration. If this was not costing me anything, I would not care but like many of the folks here, I am spending $47 per month for less than a months worth of service. I hope Mark/Affilorama can reach out to them and express our frustrations because as usual, they are not responding to submitted tickets!
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I am again having a problem with AMA. Besides being down for two days with no explaination, now it will not let me login. It says "invalid login credentials". This has been all day. They need to issue a credit for the time we've lost. Is anyone else having this problem? - Mary
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Is Free Traffic System the only competitor to AMA? Is the FTS network as large or larger than AMA? I haven't signed up yet but it sounds like it's time to find a replacement for AMA. My first articles are being spun as we speak.
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bartko09 wrote:Is Free Traffic System the only competitor to AMA? Is the FTS network as large or larger than AMA? I haven't signed up yet but it sounds like it's time to find a replacement for AMA. My first articles are being spun as we speak.

Mark recommends Elite Articles Marketing Tools: http://www.elitearticletools.com

Submit your articles is also good (as mentioned by Franck)
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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We have contacted AMA and they said there have been problems with their server. They are working to get the problem settled as quickly as possible.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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I received a message from Marc saying they're working on the AMA problem and that it is expected to be resolved in about 24 hours. He expects a few glitches until they completely fix the problem, but it sounds as if there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks Marc for helping to get this taken care of!

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This topic was started on Dec 04, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.