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Plenty of Backlinks But No movement in Google?

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Plenty of Backlinks But No movement in Google?

Hi all

I have an SEO question that I would like answered if possible. I have been testing building various backlinks in Google to see what works and doesnt etc.. by using automated tools ,outsourcing and building them myself.

My question is this:

Every day I check my Yahoo links using SEO quake and everyday I get about another 20 links or so added to whatever domain I am promoting. So the link building is working as I am getting quite a few links which seem to be indexed (well at least by yahoo?) but I am getting no movement in the SERP's at all in Google. My sites/pages stay in exactly the same spot. Why is this?

(PS. I am trying to rank for some terms that my competing sites have no PR and very little links like 1 or 2. My sites have 60+ links but I am not moving up. I have a mixture of high and low pr links as well which the competing sites don't all have, I have also anchor text variation, links from many different sources and IP's, so by rights I should be at the no1 spot in Google in my opinion...)
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Hi Wosul,

First of all, remember that different search engines look at different things. also, Google wont show all the links they are crediting, and you never know what the competition has done to promote their sites. There are a lot of ways they can be hiding how many links they actually have.
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My friend,

I had already made this point in other post. I would say dont use any other service to check your backlink apart from google itself. Google webmaster tools is the best way forward to get the exact analysis. Moreover google only recognises those backlinks that are from sites with pagerank more than 3. If your page rank is 0 then it is difficult for google to place your site at top unless your content is very unique and special. My answer is to be patient. It will take sometime to get your site on top. One tip is to keep updating your website atleast once in a week. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the comments guys. I also ran my site through seo spyglass and received some interesting results back on the links (yahoo) that shows on SEO Quake. Seems as if most of my blog comments have the link missing (Ie the comment was deleted) and 95% of the remaining links are nofollow... has given me some new ideas to carry on testing/link building but with a different approach.
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mark schaaf
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what in the world are you doing to get 20 links a day, I am lucky to get one a day but then I have to do everything myself, articles, and adding my site to directories since I don't really have any money to spend on things myself. I do know how you feel though because my site is up and down all the time but is normally in the top 10 pages for search results. my problem is how in the world do I get my site ranked, it has been up for about 5 months and when I check my site always has a 0 google page rank, My site has everything original and many people tell me it was well written and as much time as it took me it should be. so how does someone get ranked. how long has your site been up and does it have a page rank, Mark
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Page rank only gets updated in a few months unlike search engine results, so you would have to wait for the next one before being able to see anything.
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You might have plenty of links in yahoo, but getting pages indexed in google is completely different task.
You can now select long tailed keywords which are not your main keywords and then with these create backlinks to your existing backlinks. This will help you get you pages indexed at faster pace.
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the thing is that plenty of links varies so much. I would focus on ONE page and see if you can make a difference. there are a lot of variables to consider including where those links are, how much traffic you get through each link, and more. a link that brings even 4-5 visitors will bring you more juice than a link with no traffic at all.

Mark, I do more than 20 links a day manually. it doesn't take much to do really, but you do have to work to get it.
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Hello guys, you have an interesting discussion here, I had experience it also, I understand that maintaining rankings in google is you need to update your site weekly that is where I lapses, because I have little time to do it, so is it okay if I use this kind of service, seo reseller
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That explains alot. I have my homepage(PR2) ranking #2 on page 1 of a 4500 searches per month keyword phrase. Then I focused on one of my internal pages(PR1) and got it to #3 on page 1 of a 2000 searches per month keyword phrase. I was excited because the internal page took less than 1 month (working about 10 hours per week) to get there. Then I started on a second internal page(PR0), to make a long story short I have been working at the same pace for a month and a half and it is still at the bottom of page 5 of a simular 2000+ searches per month keyword phrase. It seems that the second internal page will be much more dificult to get to page one because it is only a PR0. Both internal pages are of simular size and design with completely unique content so I don't know why one is a PR1 and the other a PR0 since the PR1 page got the rank before I had any backlinks to it. I don't mean to ramble but it seems that backlinks to my PR0 take much longer to be acknowledged by the S.E.s than they did to my PR1 page.
Does this make sense or am I reading too much into this?
P.S. Since we are on the subject of page PR what things can I do to get my other internal pages up to PR1 so they can get to page 1 like my first internal page?
Never Give Up!!!
P.P.S. I really mean it NEVER GIVE UP!! I almost did several times but thank goodness I didn't because I now average 2 sales per week and made $71.10 just a few weeks ago.
Paul Burkhardt
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Paul J. Burkhardt

This topic was started on Dec 24, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
