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Occasionally number one on google

Posts: 24
Joined: 09 Apr 10

Occasionally number one on google

Hi all,
I have a site that is #1 on google for its search term...well occasionally. Over the past few weeks it has gone from number 1 to gone away to number two to gone away...to number one to gone away.

Can anyone give me a clue as to why it may be so wild or perhaps point me at a Google person that can answer the question. It is really frustrating.

Any advice would be appreciated,

Thanks in advance

Gordon J
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Unfortunately I don't think anyone has the answer because it happens to me all the time. I will rank #1 for a search term but I show up on page 10 in search results. days later i am on page 30 and days after that i am on page 5 all the while when checking my rank for a search term I stay the same. Once in a while my rank will change and to to #3 but where I show up in search results is still all over the place. I don't think anyone will have an answer because no one and I think google including knows what there computers are doing or what they are looking for. I have learned it is just something we all have to learn to live with. I seems its like riding a roller coaster always going up and down. I have mentioned this many times but it never seems to happen on Yahoo where My term rank stays the same for months as does the page I show up on in a search. I will be in the same place for weeks to months but google it is different about every 3 or 4 days.
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Posts: 24
Joined: 09 Apr 10
Thanks Mark,

What I cannot seem to get is the way it is going from literally number one to nowhere and then back again. I an understand if Google algorthyms have an issue with something and drop it, but then they are obviously changing their minds and putting us back. Its a bit hard to tell an offline client you understand SEO if the site it not there when you try to demonstrate the point.

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The future is what we create ourselves....click www.strategicniche-marketing.com
Posts: 30
Joined: 02 Jun 10
Yeah same here. I have a website that does the same thing! Really annoys the heck out of me. It's number 1 for a week or so then disappears for a few weeks then comes back to number 1 and the process repeats itself. I have no idea how to keep the rank stable. /shrug
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