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New Onpage SEO Criteria?

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New Onpage SEO Criteria?

Given Google's Panda, Penguin, etc, is the following still true for on page SEO as set out in the Jetpack, bootcamppart2, p. 43? I reached this point in following directions and am reading the opposite from several well respected webmaster, e.g. Andy Williams.

PDF2, p. 43: "That [on page SEO] starts with using your target keyword phrase in the article, in the title of the page, in the first 50 words of your content, and in any links pointing to the page internally. If you create a link to the article on your own page, you should use the exact keyword to describe that article. "


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Hi Steve,
PDF2, p. 43: "That [on page SEO] starts with using your target keyword phrase in the article, in the title of the page, in the first 50 words of your content, and in any links pointing to the page internally. If you create a link to the article on your own page, you should use the exact keyword to describe that article. "

I agree with the above statement. I still follow that and so far, I end up with well optimized articles. I haven't been "punished" by Google or anything like that and I guess the key is to make sure your content is good.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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With all of the updates, On-Page SEO has become even more important, as a lot of Off-Page factors were rendered useless.

You definitely should perfect your On-Page optimization, but be careful not to keyword stuff or write spammy title, etc.
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Hi Steve,

I agree with esolutions. I suggest that you make a checklist of good on-page SEO techniques for your website. This way, you won't be confused and you can easily manage things in your website.

Good luck!

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woody wrote:Given Google's Panda, Penguin, etc, is the following still true for on page SEO as set out in the Jetpack, bootcamppart2, p. 43? I reached this point in following directions and am reading the opposite from several well respected webmaster, e.g. Andy Williams.

PDF2, p. 43: "That [on page SEO] starts with using your target keyword phrase in the article, in the title of the page, in the first 50 words of your content, and in any links pointing to the page internally. If you create a link to the article on your own page, you should use the exact keyword to describe that article. "



Hi Steve,

I just thought I'd chime in and give some thoughts... the more the meerier!

I think one of the interesting things I have seen, is that it can differ from situation to situation. For instance, I have one website that was ranking amazingly for an important keyword in multiple countries. Then it got hit by panda - boom! It plummeted, but mostly in one particular country. In the other countries SERPs, it actually stayed good, but in that one particular country it just plummeted!

In most countries, having the keyword unbroken in the title, description, content and internal links was a consistant theme in all top 5 results. BUT, in the one country where the website had gone down... the opposite was true! Their websites seemed (and still seem) unoptimized for the keyword!

So it is hard to say in many respects. I have had strong success in using my core, targeted keywords in all of those places. However, now more than ever, I think it is important to not over-optimize a website. So pick 2-4 keywords, and optimize around those, and then fill up the website with relevant content that makes use of LSI keywords. But each niche will be different - if your website traffic has dropped, experiment and dilute it.
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HI sarahchrisp,

Good observation! We are glad that you shared these thoughts to us. In some ways, what Sarah suggested and with the recent updates, it is best to balance your SEO efforts. Also, try to check out forums and look for tips that others have done in terms of their on-page SEO. I am sure a lot of marketers already figured out in their own ways how to do their on-page techniques according to the latest G updates.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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I also agree with the statement and haven't gotten penalized for it yet!
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This is how I am killing it without Google!
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The more valuable content you add to a site the better it's chances of ranking highly, the effects are multiplied!

Plus, you need readers/viewers. Tweet about your new pages, post them on Facebook, show them to people that are actually interested, send a notification to your email list, etc.
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Implementing the right on-page tactics can get you world of confidence. On-page SEO has the innate power to bring about improved search engine rankings on its own.
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Not all SEO practices are equally significant for the higher rankings though SEO is regarded a synergy comprising various practices. On-page SEO takes lesser time when compared to link building. It also serves as a foundation for site building for the future.
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This topic was started on Dec 03, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
