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Need help getting traffic.

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Need help getting traffic.

hello everyone.

I need help getting traffic. any ideas or help?
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The first step is to complete the on-page search engine optimization requirements. The next step is to begin creating backlinks to the website. This can best be accomplished by following the teaching of Matt Carter. Carter's latest product/service is SEO Experts Academy. This service detail in explicit clear instruction the methods necessary to acquire quality backlinks to your website.

Also, Jim Pruitt an AffiloRama member has an interview detailing how to create traffic using forum and blog posts. In addition Affilorama has recently published a blog post by Sam Frost at: https://www.affilorama.com/blog/forum-ma ... tipstricks

Following these three experts should provide you with enough information to be able to maximize the natural traffic to your website. The next step if you desire to do so would be to increase traffic using adwords advertising.

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There are various ways to get traffic to your site. You can try various link building strategies like forum/blog commenting, article marketing, etc. but Margene is right. You need to make sure your pages are all optimized. We have lessons on SEO that could give you some background and tips on what to do.

We also have lessons on link building strategies and blog posts too like the following:

9 High Quality Link Building Methods in 2011
Link Building Tips Audio Interview

Hope that helps. Happy New Year!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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Hello friends,

I have four primary methods that I use to drive traffic to my website. They include writing articles, link exchanges, pay-per-click advertising and classified ads. Some of the methods are free, but require a little more elbow grease while other methods require less work, but do require an initial investment of money in order to get them started.

Best regards
Hellin Knighting
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Register yourself at various online focus group collectives and start the ball rolling straight away.
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I wouldn't really recommend link exchanges as these can now negatively affect your rankings. The same goes for buying links. Driving traffic to your site is hard work and I wouldn't suggest you get on PPC or any paid advertising right away. There are other ways of building traffic to your site that does not require fees. Forum posting is one. The following blog post gives tips on how to market your site in various forums:

Forum Marketing Tips and Tricks

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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3 of the common methods I utilize are article marketing, blog networks and press releases. I've found them to be highly effective for the purpose of getting search engine traffic. Of course, I also complement it with bookmarking and RSS submissions for indexing purposes.
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Using the SEO techniques we can increase the traffic of the website ,
For that one visit this site Link removed by moderator
here it gives the best way to increase traffic through blogging , adding keywords, article submission, & directory submission.........
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Need to get traffic to new site or developed one?

qualityarif wrote:hello everyone.

I need help getting traffic. any ideas or help?
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Get PR6 Backlinks http://tinyurl.com/8x6urot
10 PR4, 4 PR5, 1 PR6 http://tinyurl.com/8x6urot
High PR2 - PR6 Quality Backlinks http://backlinks.thetextilelibrary.com
Fiverr Exclusive Blog Commenting Service http://fiverr.com/blogcommenting
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Good day! I'm on the stage learning of SEO and I want to learn more.I know both of you are right and thank you for sharing your site. I'm very much interested in SEO and I hope I can make it.


Link removed by Moderator
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Posts: 5
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Hi qualityarif

Apply the right link building strategy and your good with traffic.

    Social Media Platforms
    Social Bookmarking
    Blog Commenting
    Guest Posting
    Forum Posting
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Do not try to build links with software!! This is my suggestion. Well, if you want to get traffic, you can try email marketing. It's very efficient. You can use a software for email marketing. I am using iKode Newsletter Server now, and it brings a lot of traffic, if you are interested in this software, just google it! Hope to help you and your website!
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Article marketing can also help you get traffic to your site. It will not be as easy as the other methods but the effort may be well worth it once your article gets syndicated. Our blog post on article marketing gives some great tips.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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Looks like I'm late to the party (as usual...).

Anyway, what kind of site are you trying to get traffic to?

Is it a squeeze page, sales page, article site, or something else?

The best way to get traffic is to build your email list. Send traffic to a squeeze page via guest posts, article marketing, SEO, or social media. Then capture the email addresses of your visitors on the squeeze page.

Really build up your email list. This should be your number one priority.

I have a pretty small list in the relationship market. It's just under 2,000, but if I send out an email about something whether it be a new blog post, some kind of offer, or anything else, I can easily get 300-400+ visitors to any page I want, whenever I want.

All thanks to my list.

Never underestimate the power of your email list.

Once your list is big enough, traffic won't be as much a concern for you :)
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I did AffiloBlueprint for one year - http://www.journeyofmyown.com/welcome-affilorama-friends/

Make $100 commissions by being my affiliate - http://exsolutionprogram.com/affiliates/
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SEO services might help you, try to visit HarvestSeo
They are serving SEO services :)
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Hi there!

I agree with the other affilorama members, there are various ways in which you can get the traffic you want for your site. But one has to be wise and think out of the box in order to get it. Yes, it is as what they said, you may try using link exchange or setting up a good article or contents for your site. But among the choices, I think you should handle first the image of your site. What I mean is, the content and what would be the reasons why the readers would visit your site. I'm not necessarily saying this to imply something but just a suggestion or advise from a friend. I guess, that would help you to make a start and you may even ask some traffic experts in order to wipe the webs of confusion or doubts.
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Create a page o account in social media site like fb, twitter, g+ etc and try to update unique information and advertise your site to build more traffic... According to me this one of the best idea.
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qualityarif wrote:hello everyone.

I need help getting traffic. any ideas or help?

You should go with Twitter as this is an easy way to get traffic to your site. Move to Facebook as the next step.
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http://www.couponsitescript.com - Turnkey Affiliate Moneymaking Business

http://www.codecoupondiscount.com - Coupon Site Script in Action
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How to get traffic:
1. Use your auto responder for ezine blasts to create trust
2. Pay per click traffic
3. Write and submit articles to the article directories.
4. Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.
5. Answer people’s questions on www.answers.yahoo.com.
6. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.
7. Write a press release and use www.PRWeb.com for distribution
8. Advertise your website on classifieds
9. Start a blog and submit it to the 100’s of free blog directories.
10. Give a testimonial on a product/service for an exchange for a backlink to your site.
11. Submit your website to the major search engines manually.
12. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.
13. Put a tell-a-friend form on your page.
14. Add a “bookmark this site” link to your webpage.
15. Add a link in your email signature to your website.
16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includes a link to your website.
17. Use Twitter and Facebook
18. Give away a freebie (e-book, report, e-course) to amplify attraction
19. Participate in banner and link exchange programs.
20. Submit your website to related niche directories on the net.
21. Create a software program and offer it to visitors for free.
22. Purchase different variations of your domain name, and your competitors.
23. Purchase an active domain that already gets traffic in your niche, forward to yours
24. Pass out business cards with a killer mystery on them.
25. Marketing using friends
26. Viral video using Youtube, you can also purchase youtube accounts and add a link
27. Purchase ads on other sites.
28. Sell or place classified ads on www.eBay.com with a link to your site.
29. Post free classified ads
30. Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.
31. Engage other people at conferences and seminars.
32. Buy advertising in popular ezines or newsletters.
33. Advertise on other “thank you” pages.
34. Write a free e-book and give it away on the “free e-book” sites.
35. Be a controversial madman.
36. Submit reviews for products with an Amazon.com profile
37. Start a lens on www.Squidoo.com.
38. Traffic exchanges
39. Get referrals from similar, non-competing sites.
40. Sell a product which contains a link inside so others distribute it.
41. Hand out flyers
42. Back End offers
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Struggling to make money online?
This is how I am killing it without Google!
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there are so may ways to get nice and related traffic to your niche.
a comprehensive internet marketing and seo strategies is the only way to get high page rank and targeted traffic.
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My blog, Our Journey, Our success http://www.deanfergusson.com

This topic was started on Jan 02, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
