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Multiple page Seo question

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Joined: 19 Jun 09

Multiple page Seo question

So got my webhosting today and I have 1 question ( for now anyway)
When Optemizing my pages should I optimize every page for the same key words, or should i choose different keywords for different pages to get a better chance of getting traffic?
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Hey JM,

Yeah, you got the right idea...

Each page should be optimized for diferent keywords, which gives you a wider "marketing arena" within the niche.

And keep to keywords that have a good search volume and low to reasonable competion(SEO Comp), and your SEO efforts will be that much "sweeter".

I would suggest to stay clear from info searching keyphrases and research the market to see if there is money there... A good thing to do is to see the amount of adwords ads when you type in the search box your keyphrases...

Alot of ads means money... If there are no ads, it could be dry or maybe if your lucky, an untapped keyphrase (rare)...

Hope this helps...

Later dude,
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Thanks alot, now i have to figure out how to buld this website lol
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Gee, interesting. I was thinking it was one keyword per page.

I guess it is more natural to have the other keywords as well..mmm

Can I ask you guy's...How many bold keywords to you recommend per page???

I definitely agree with keeping away from the non- montizing keywords. It has taken me some time to understand that all traffic is not ready to spend..... Mark certainly cleared that one up in his video's

"Just ask yourself is it clear what the person wants when searching for that keyword!"
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from what I understand, multiple key words will help even if it is not what your optimizing for. the more keywords used frequently in your site the better chance of getting traffic to your site thru search engines. the key is being as focussed as you can to attract the right people to your site.of course taking advice from me is like going to a kindergardener for reading lessons. i dont even have my fisrt site up yet.

and on that topic good progress on the site so far, hope to have it online by tomorrow. of course I had to go with the WoW niche, not because I want to copy Mark, but because i actually used to play the game so i have some knowledge of the niche already wich has helped alot with making my start on keywords and researching the market. I even found some friends of mine who have the books and are using them so i have some great resourses for real ingame information
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next question
Should I highly Optimize my site first then upload or get it started and submit some articles to get traffic flow going then work on ramping it up?
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