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Metaname discription "content"

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Metaname discription "content"

I've just finished building a site but still have to fill in 'Page Properties'.

I've been looking at my competition's webpages with "view page source" but a lot of pages now only have

metaname description "content"

metaname keyword "content"

Is there a way to find out what the "content" contains on these pages. If not, I'm going to have a hell of a time trying rank against pages who's keywords I don't know. Near impossible I should think.

Any idea's anyone.


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How do you know if they are your competitors if you don't know their keywords? Figure out the keyword that you want to rank for, then see who is ranking at the top.

It's easy to create the best tags without copying them.

The meta keywords are not going to make a big difference, unless you stuff it (which is spammy). Put 5 or less of your related keywords and don't worry too much about it.

The description should be a concise sentence or two explaining the purpose of the page and should contain your main keyword once, twice if you can pull it off while still reading 100% natural.

The biggest problem I see with meta tags is people trying to stuff too much into them, or just spamming them with keywords. Here's a tool that I built that makes it easy to create solid meta tags:

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I know they are my competitors because I did a search for the same websites as I'm running and got back 2,000,500 results.

I then took the top 5 sites on the first and second pages and tried to check each sites meta tags to give me an idea of what I'm up against.

Personally that's what I'd do with any site I put up. Its just common sense to see what the other guy is using to get into the top five.

So I guess you don't know how to see past the "content" thing then.

This doesn't mean I'm going to copy him word for word.
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You may want to give the "Traffic Travis" free or pro SEO tool a try. It does competitive research, shows you the keys your competitors are using, their ads and much else.

Hope this helps....
_jim coe
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I will Jim

Thank you.
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linconian wrote:I know they are my competitors because I did a search for the same websites as I'm running and got back 2,000,500 results.

I then took the top 5 sites on the first and second pages and tried to check each sites meta tags to give me an idea of what I'm up against.

Personally that's what I'd do with any site I put up. Its just common sense to see what the other guy is using to get into the top five.

So I guess you don't know how to see past the "content" thing then.

This doesn't mean I'm going to copy him word for word.


I think we are using the term "competition" in two different ways. Yes, your general (in the same market) competition can be determined, but in terms of SEO, you need to do your keyword research first, to determine what you want to rank for, and then find the sites that are ranking for that specific term. THAT is your SEO competition whether they are market competitors or not.

Seeing what a site has in their title and content in general is somewhat irrelevant because:

1. those are not the only factors for ranking specific keyword
2. the keywords that you do discover may be worthless

Do the keyword research first.
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mark schaaf
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I always just do my own thing and put in the keywords that I an aiming for because that is what is in my articles. you mentioned that the metaname description only said "content" since you are dealing with your site only worry about your description it doesn't matter what the other site says because his articles may be a bit different then yours.

Same with the keyword saying content, his keywords might not work in the mix of what is in the articles on your page so read your article and figure out where to use your target keywords and make your articles the best you can and make the most sense as they can. I have found that if everything you do is quality it will get to the top of a search faster and will more then likely stay there whenever google or any other search engine tweaks there systems. So think about quality first, what you would be looking for if you were looking for what you are promoting,

I normally put my articles together with specific things in mind and often go back and work my keyword phrase into it but I will only use it a few times and make sure it makes sense as far as where it is in relation to the sentence and the paragraph. I think in most of my articles I don't use my main keyword more then 4 or 5 times in a 1000 word article.

Now sometimes depending on your article it could be way over just because of the topic. For example if you have a cooking site and you are doing an article on making chicken soup because you will be describing how to make chicken soup you may have to use that term 15 or 20 times in the article and it wouldn't be stuffing because it is a term that needs to be used often.

So read your articles and see if they make the most sense that they can for the subject you are writing about. If you know what your keywords are see if they fit well in the article. Your home page will have a lot of keywords because you can put in keywords that will show up on all your sites pages, but each page should have it's own keyword or group of keywords that all relate to each other and those are the words that you use in your meta keyword tag and do your meta description based on the article on each page.
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