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Longer meta description tag

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Joined: 09 Jul 17

Longer meta description tag

This one of flaws in my url: Meta Description Tag Longer than 150 characters. How to solve it?
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Site Admin
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If the website is on WordPress, you can easily change the meta tag for this by going straight to your SEO plugin settings and change the meta tag description. To do this, go to the edit page section of the erro page and under the SEO section, you can edit the meta description of the page.
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Create your meta description within 150 characters in your edit page section of the SEO part or section.
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Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Dec 15
I think 160 characters with space is fine and useful. Try to cover your targeted and high competitive keyword in Meta Description tag.
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It's best to keep meta descriptions long enough that they're sufficiently descriptive, so we recommend descriptions between 50–300 characters.

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Posts: 58
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Meta descriptions can be any length, but search engines generally truncate snippets longer than 160 characters. It is best to keep meta descriptions long enough that they're sufficiently descriptive, but shorter than that 160-character limit.
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Posts: 44
Joined: 22 Dec 15
Meta description tag can be kept up to 170 characters. Long meta descriptions sufficiently cover all the targeted keywords.
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This topic was started on Sep 15, 2017 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.