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Links Through Social Media & Forums

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Links Through Social Media & Forums


I am just getting started with online marketing after purchasing a product. However...and here is my issue.. At the 'young age' of 23, it's hard to be an expert in something. The only thing I could think of that I know a little bit about is fitness. More specifically workout programs. But I am in no way an expert in the field.

This leads me to my question: If you are suppose to be active on forums and social media and talk to members and bring quality comments and content to the table (well, its one way anyway..) - how do you do that when you don't have the in-depth knowledge required to make those comments? In the end I wanna have a few sites up and running but I know that some of them are gonna be of topics I know nothing about.

For example; let's say I have an affiliate site promoting different amazon products. Let's say I focus mostly on electronics.. If I don't know much about it, what can I possible contribute with to other blogs or fan pages on facebook that could generate traffic? How would you go abouts to create these backlinks from social media when you don't have any in-depth knowledge?

Highly appreciate any input on this.

Thanks a bunch!

alex from sweden
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Hi Alex,

It's always best to go for a niche that you are either knowledgeable in or genuinely interested in. The little knowledge you have together with your interest in the niche will make it easier for you to read up on the topic. This will also make research fun for you and that is mainly how you can get new information on the topic. You will need to write articles for your niche and the information you will share on these articles are the same information you can share on other websites.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
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It is common to discount our personal knowledge assuming everyone has the same subject mastery. This is rarely the case. Just the process of information research necessary to write an article will increase your knowledge level above 80% of the population.

As you build a website your subject understanding will increase exponentially. You will become an expert in the field.

At first your communications on the forums will be limited. As your knowledge grows so too will your ability to answer more difficult problems. Your experience and knowledge will increase as you build your website.

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Thanks for the information guys. I have absorbed what you have said and will now try and use it to my advantage.
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You will still be able to find topics and questions that you know the answers to. Spend a little time increasing your knowledge each day and you will be able to contribute.
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List not growing fast enough?
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As far as Forum and social media concerned , Matt Cutts says that matters a lot, in SEO no one should exploit the forum or social media.

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You really don't have to be an expert in order to build social authority online. Authority figures don't always know all the answers, they just know where to look for them, and point people in the right direction. You can use curations tools such as CurationSoft to find loads of content targeting your niche, and become the filter that guides people to the experts who really are sharing value, and cull out all the garbage being spewed.

A little time in the library reading 2-3 books on your niche will give you about the same knowledge or more as the average authority figure in your niche, and in some cases more than many of the self proclaimed experts who are spewing garbage just to make a sale.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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It's true that social media networking sites and tools enables linking opportunities and link building. Social links can be defined in a number of ways, like the links someone tweets to their followers, or the links shared in Facebook's "What's on your mind" box, or in Google+'s "Share what's new" box.

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The trick is to be willing to observe, learn, implement and never be shy seeking help. Eventually you become an expert over time if you have the interest and drive. Wish you much luck and success! :)
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This topic was started on Nov 15, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
