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Linking between websites I own a good idea?

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Joined: 21 Dec 10

Linking between websites I own a good idea?

Hi there,

Here's my "problem": I own about 20 websites and they all are about the same thing (saving). Would it be a good idea to create links between these sites, or would google penalize me for it? Would it help me get better rankings anyway?

It all being websites on the same subject, I would think the links would be relevant..but on the other hand they are all on the same server and on the same ip-address...

Does anyone know what to do?

Many thanks!

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Posts: 3918
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Hi Marc. you can interlink your sites, but it wont really do much to help your rankings. it would be something that you can do to share traffic though, and often I do this more through my email lists for each site.

also, it really depends on how well you have diversified your information. If you are using similar content on the different sites, just targeting different keywords, it may do more harm than good, but if you have totally different content on each one, targeting differnt problems then, itnerlinking them can be a good thing.
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If any of your sites has good PR then linking other sites from that will definitely help.
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Web Designing | Online Marketing
mark schaaf
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from some of the things I have heard linking your own sites to each other doesn't do much because many search engines know they all belong to you because of some kind server number that each site gets, then when checking your site for links they know you own 20 sites and you are linking them all together and they won't count the links or at least many of them. I don't know how accurate this is but I have read it on another forum, Mark
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Hi Mark. It depends on if your sites are related. One of the biggest mistakes most people make is thinking only about SEO and what Google thinks.

Now, seo is important and you should keep search engines in mind, but everything you do should focus on how it helps your users, NOT if it pleases the search engines. at the end of the day, it is the visitors on my sites that pay my bills, not Google.

I have multiple sites within each of my niches and they all interlink. The links do show up as backlinks in Yahoo, so I am getting some credit for them. Aslo, because the links are relevant to the site, I am able to funnel traffic to content they would be interested in. For example, I am working on my thoughts on life blog focused on self improvement advice. I link from that blog to niche specific sites, where people can find more specific site explorer advice on each of the areas that I talk about.

Another thing that you have to realize is that Shared hosting servers are the most common. If Google penalized a site for having links from the same server, we would all be in trouble, because I am sure that at least a few of the sites that I get links from are probably on the same hosting server that I am on.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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First of all, thanks for the replies!
What I will do is look at my sites carefully and see which of them add enough value to deserve a link on the other sites I own.

Thanks again!
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This topic was started on Dec 23, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
