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Link Exchange

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Joined: 17 Jul 12

Link Exchange

What you meant by Link Exchange?
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Posts: 103
Joined: 08 Feb 10
Link exchange means that another website links back to you but you also have to link bank to them.

That is, however, not recommended to do. Just stick with building one way backlinks to your site.

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Years ago a "link exchange" was a strategy to build links from other sites that were not even relevant to your site but google still saw them as a link. Google soon became aware that these were a "black hat" "i'll wash your back if you wash mine" type of strategy which greatly weakened the quality of the link.

Now it is a whole new story.
Google now sees a link exchange as a "BAD" or "Un-natural" link and gives them basically no strenght at all.
Worse yet, if google sees many of these links going to your site they may even penalize your site.

If you allready have a few of these links I wouldn't worry but from now on the building of link exchanges is not something I would recommend.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 17
Joined: 03 Aug 12
Link exchange is the practice of exchanging links with other websites. You place another site's link on your site, usually on a links page, and in return, the other site places a link on their site back to you.

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This topic was started on Aug 02, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.